
Emmanuelle DE COUËT


En résumé

Hardworking - Curious - Like working in team - Trend research - Print & Graphic design - Fashion design - Adobe Illustrator - Adobe Photoshop - Hand drawing - Embellishment & Embroidery design

Mes compétences :
Fashion design


  • Galeries Lafayette - LE BHV MARAIS - Styliste / designer textile Accessoires textiles

    Paris 2013 - 2014 Création collection Accessoires Textiles LAFAYETTE COLLECTION. ( foulards, gants et chapeaux )
    Recherches des tendances appropriées aux besoins commerciaux.
    Création de tous les imprimés et réalisation de toutes les colorations.
    Création des dossiers techniques et suivi avec les fournisseurs ( Asie et Inde )
    600 variantes couleurs par saison.
    CA de 19Me par an.
  • UNDIZ - Senior Fashion Designer

    2012 - 2013 Trend research (Shape + Print direction)
    Design of the whole nightwear collection according to the brief of the buyer
    Creation of all the technical files for woven and jersey pieces
    Follow-up of the development process( Approval of strike off, lapdids and fittings ....) till the final approval of the product
    Management of 2 people
  • GB Fashion Ldt - Fashion & Graphic designer

    2011 - 2012 Turkish supplier specialised in jersey products for fast fashion
    Print and Graphic design for major high street accounts such as Zara, Miss Selfridge, Next, Debenhams, Pennys and Primark
    Trend research from Catwalks, shopping, blogs...
  • Freelance - Print Designer

    2010 - maintenant Print designer for Fashion, Swimwear, Lingerie & Home Interiors.
    Computer generated prints after being hand drawn.
    Prints put into repeats.
    Thorough Trend research and creation of mood boards.
    Altering colours ways in line with seasonal colour palette.
  • Celio - Fashion & Print Designer

    Saint Ouen 2006 - 2010 SOFT ACCESSORIES DESIGNER
    September 2009 - March 2010
    Reporting to the product Manager and to the Head of Design
    · Trend interpretation and application
    · Design of woven and knitted scarves, knitted hats, and gloves
    · Creation of working drawings / specification sheets
    · Follow the development with the far east suppliers
    · Assessing samples and conducting fittings

    January 2008 March 2010
    Reporting to the product Manager and to the Head of Design
    · Trend interpretation and application
    · Creation of mood boards
    · Design of all over prints, placed prints and check patterns
    · Assessing samples and conducting fittings
    · Creation of working drawings/ specification sheets
    · Design development and sourcing of ranges from production through finished product

    January 2006 - January 2008
    Reporting to the product Manager and to the Head of Design
    Design of a multi product range for the short term collection
    · Trend interpretation and application
    · Creation of working drawings/ specification sheets
    · Business trip in Turkey to visit the suppliers
    · Assessing samples and conducting fittings


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