


En résumé

Emna Ben Hassine is currently a PhD student in Geology at Carthage University, Faculty of Science in Bizerte. She received her MSc. in March 2016 from the same institution. Her main areas of research interest are characterization of fibrous clay minerals (palygorskite) associated with Quaternary deposits in Tunisia, its paleoclimatic signification and its pharmaceuticals interest. She’s also a research member in the Geomatics of Geosystems Research Unit in FLAHM,Mannouba University.
Since 2011, Emna has been enrolled in many volunteering activities in Tunisia and MENA region. The principles of these activities are gender equality and empowering woman, human rights and nondiscrimination, promotion of education and citizenship, peace and conflict resolution, environmental monitoring and ecological restoration. Emna is also an active and founding member of many national and international youth networks and NGO’s, such as African Youth Initiative, Human Right Cultural Academy and Green Generation in Tunisia.In addition to her associative and volunteering work, Emna is interested in reading, research, traveling, camping, speleology, discovering new cultures and meeting new people.

Mes compétences :
Integration with new cultures and new people
Civil society activities
Empowering women


Pas d'entreprise renseignée


  • Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte (Bizerte)

    Bizerte 2013 - 2016 Master de recherche

    Sujet de recherche: Etude sédimentologique et signature paléoclimatique des argiles fibreuses (Palygorskite) associées aux carbonates continentaux quaternaires de la plate-forme orientale de la Tunisie
  • Faculté Des Sciences De Bizerte (Bizerte)

    Bizerte 2009 - 2012 Licence Fondamentale en sciences de la Terre: parcours: ressources minérales et énergétiques


Annuaire des membres :