Eric joined Weber Shandwick in January 2011.
He has more than 20 years of PR experience in the IT field. He started his career as the Chief Editor of a daily IT publication. He has also worked as a consultant for IDC France in the marketing intelligence field.
Prior to joining Weber Shandwick, Eric was a Senior Manager at Rumeur Publique, in charge of all IT & Services BtoB markets, including Entreprise Software, Entreprise Content Management, Security, Storage, Network, Telecoms and IT Services. He managed a team of 8 consultants.
Eric has in particular worked with: 404!Found.!, Actuate, AGF, Akamaï, Ariba, Aspect, Astek, Avaya, Axemble, Axis Communications, BASF It Services, Bea Systems, BMC Software, Borland, Broadvision, Bull, Business Objects, Cambridge Technology Partners, Cisi, Cisco, Comverse, Cybion, Deloitte, Deskom, EMC, Enablon, Engage, Entropysoft, Exalead, FTEI, Generix, Global Crossing, Detroyat & Associciés, Highdeal, Himalaya, Hummingbird, i2 Technologies, Ilog,, Informix, Invoke, Iona Technologies, Itras, Kadris, KDS, Klee Group, KVS, Linedata Services, Leonard's Logic,,, Merant, Meta4, Michael Page, MMA, Netratings, Norton Rose, Ogilvy, Overture, Phonevalley, Peoplesoft, PerformanSe, Pertinence, Remedy,, Screentonic, Sequent, Serena, Siebel, Simpay, Sollan,, Sparus Software, StartWest, Unisys, Update Software, Vantive, Vdoc Software, Webex, Wincor Nixdorf, Xcalia…
As Account Director, Eric is an active member of PR campaigns for companies such as CEA Leti, Colt, Concur, Honeywell, Monster, NCR, PTC... Eric has a real passion for the IT BtoB market .
Mes compétences :
smart Grid
Capital risque
Relations presse
développement durable