- Directeur General
2000 - maintenant
As an insurance broker specialising in corporate protection, Verlingue provides clients with simple and high performing solutions to protect their business (commercial risks) and their staff members (employee benefits). With 550 staff in 12 regional offices and partners in over 100 countries (member of WBN), Verlingue manages the insurance programmes of over 1000 firms (from middle/upper miiddle to large businesses). With one overriding customer service ambition, making insurance simple.
Key achievements/management:
- modelizing the company by putting in force a business model generating growth (80% for 2006-2011), customer satisfaction (client retention >98%), HR excellence (staff turnover<5% + mobility/promotion increased by 100% within the past 5 years), and profitablity
- successfully integrating 6 acquisitions in France (eg Dujardin, 2007) and in the UK (Alec Finch, 2007)
- generating 100% growth in 3 years from reengineering our motor fleet platform
- generating M€ from scratch on affinity business (life, 2008)
- digitalising the company (Easy@ccess, 2010)
- promoting Verlingue as a brand through a new communication approach (Making it simple, 2009 and Make business, respect people, have fun 2012)
Key achievements/leadership/HR
- building a very strong and committed Board of Directors with a full understanding of all major challenges and prospects of the company
- enlarging this committment to the 40 managers of the company through the Universite des Managers (2007) awarded by the Trophee de l'Innovation manageriale in 2010
- drafting and implementing a company project (Verlingue 2010 then Verlingue 2015) that has driven the 500 staff of Verlingue to success on growth, client satisfaction, pleasure at work and development of skills
- creating and developing the Campus Verlingue (2006) allowing our 550 staff to access 25 different training programmes
- recruiting and integrating 400 staff within the past 5 years (Plus Haut)