Mes compétences :
Direction générale
Business development
Conduite du changement
Texas Rare Earth Resources Corp, TX USA
- Board member
2014 - maintenantNED Director
Lynas Transition. back to Europe in November from Sydney, Australia
- Retour d'AsiePacifique en France
2014 - 2014
Lynas corporation ltd
- Ceo and Company Director of the board
2013 - 2014Project completed
Both new sites in Australia (mine) and Malaysia (refinery) at > 80 % capacity and sales secured
The only new source of Rare Earths currently up and running.
- Coo then president and coo
2010 - 2013chief operating officer
activite miniere et de raffinnage (Terres Rares et mineraux de synthese)
base a Sydney (Australie)
- Directeur Général
Courbevoie2000 - 2009President de l'entreprise RHODIA SILCEA - 800 M euros
3 activites
- Diphenols (intermediaires organiques, vaniline...)
- Silice
- Electronics and Catalysis (Terres Rares)