Thèse :
1er auteur :
Gensac, E., Gardel, A., Lesourd, S., Brutier, L., 2015. Morphodynamic evolution of an intertidal mudflat under the influence of Amazon supply. Case study of Kourou mud bank, French Guiana, South America. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
GENSAC, E., Lesourd, S., Gardel, A., Anthony, E.J., Proisy, C., Loisel, H., 2011. Short-term prediction of the evolution of mangrove surface areas : The example of mud banks of Kourou and Sinnamary, French Guiana. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, pp 388-392.
2ieme auteur :
Gardel, A., GENSAC, E., Anthony, E.J., Lesourd, S., Loisel, H., Marin, D., 2011. Wave-formed mud bars: their morphodynamics and role in opportunistic mangrove colonization .Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, pp 384-387.
V. Vantrepotte, E. Gensac, H. Loisel, A. Gardel, D. Dessailly, X. Mériaux. Satellite assessment of the coupling between in water suspended particulate matter and mud banks dynamics over the French Guiana coastal domain. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, In Press.
Autre auteur :
Anthony, E.J., A. Gardel, C. Proisy, F. Fromard, E. Gensac, C. Peron, R. Walcker, S. Lesourd, 2013. The role of fluvial sediment supply and river-mouth hydrology in the dynamics of the muddy, Amazon-dominated Amapá–Guianas coast, South America: A three-point research agenda. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, SI 44, pp 18-24.
Péron, C., Chatelet A., Gensac E., Gardel, A ., 2013. Mud bank migration from remote sensing and bathymetric data: The example of the Kourou River Estuary, French Guiana (South America). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, pp.
V. Vantrepotte, E. Gensac, H. Loisel, A. Gardel, D. Dessailly, X. Mériaux, 2013. Satellite assessment of the coupling between in water suspended particulate matter and mud banks dynamics over the French Guiana coastal domain. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 44, pp 25-34.
Vantrepotte, V., Loisel, H., Mériaux, X., Neukermans, G., Dessailly, D., Jamet, C., GENSAC, E., Gardel, A., 2011. Seasonal and inter-annual (2002-2010) variability of the suspended particulate matter as retrieved from satellite ocean color sensor over the French Guiana coastal waters. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, pp 1750-1754.
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