Master 2 Education Engineering, University Lille 1
Master 1 Private Law, University Lille 2
L3 Law, University Lille 2
L2 Law, Lille University 2
Mooc Contract Law, Order No. 2016-131 of 10 February 2016, P1 Panthéon Sorbonne, 2016
DU (university degree) Occupational Health Law, univ Lille 2, 2015.
Mooc Business Law, P1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Session 1 in 2014
Course Legal officer, 56 hours, Caraxo
Training reform; Law No. 2009-1437 of 24 November 2009, 7 hours, Caraxo
Response to a public procurement, 7 hours, Info Trade 2000 Saam Network
ACI collective agreement: presentation and issues, C2RA NPDC, Coorace, 7 hours
Environmental management systems and carbon balance tool, 7 hours, Gecco Management
Facilitating a participatory meeting, 7 hours, Oikeo
Use of social networks, 7 hours, Neo Consulting and training
English, 120 hours, In lingua
Mes compétences :
Formation Ressources Humaines
Ressources humaines
Pas d'entreprise renseignée
Pas de formation renseignée