Paris 2011 - maintenantI'm working at the economy service of the website
Specialized in Russian and Chinese markets, I'm analyzing tendencies and the potential of the emerging countries.
People's Daily (人民网)
- Translator / Journalist
2008 - 2010translator (chinese-french ; chinese-russian)
journalist (rubric Gros Plan sur la Chine at the French site )
(rubric Sine Ira et Studio at the Russian site
Huoban Magazine (?????)
- Journalist
2006 - 2008Our magazine is published in russian and distributed manely in Russian Federation. The magazine concerns Chinese-Russian economic relationship and is also presenting chinese culture, music, touristic places to russian readers.
I'm writing articles for the magazine, making translations from chinese to russian, and participating as a translator to the events, organized by "Huoban" Magazine and the Heilongjiang Province Governement.