- Software Engineer
Villers Cotterets
2017 - maintenant
ITK Engineering AG
- Software Engineer
2013 - 2017
Working for Audi Sport Simulation department, I am in charge of multiple software and tools development and optimization for offline simulation, real-time driving simulator and hardware in the loop testing environment.
Deutsche Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt
- Intern
2011 - 2012
Working on "Fusing Strategic Decision Making with Circular-Field based Dynamic Motion Planning" as my Master's Thesis. The goal of this project is to :
- enhance Circular field based motion reactive algorithms
- extend them to full articulated manipulators such as the DLR Lightweight Robot III
- allow simple interactions for the human coworkers and developers
Institute for Computer Science
- Student Job
2010 - 2011
– Implemented a ray tracing engine in Object-oriented Matlab based on Nvidia Optix engine enabling sensor prototyping on Matlab and easy porting on Nvidia platform.
– Designed XML parsing tool to share sensor parameters between different softwares.
Télécom Robotics
- President
2008 - 2010
– Student-run association.
– Build autonomous robot to take part in the French Robotic Cup.
– Managed teamwork and scheduling.
– 9th out of 150 teams at the 2009 and 2010 contests.