Mes compétences :
Microscopie electronique
Spectrométrie de masse
Microscopie optique
Université de Franche-Comte
2014 - maintenantAttacher temporaire d'enseignement supérieur
TP et TD de cartographie, géomorphologie, magmatisme, volcanisme, minéralogie, pétrographie sédimentaire et magmatique, géochimie et cristallographie.
“Géosciences Montpellier”, University of Montpellier 2 (France).
- Dauctorant
2010 - 2013Research training; Geosciences Montpellier at the University of Montpellier II, France. Supervisor: Pr. J.L. Bodinier and Dr. O.Alard. in collaboration with A.Bendaoud, J.M. Dautria, A. Vauchez and D. Bosch. Lithospheric architecture and mantle dynamics beneath the Hoggar : message from mantle xenoliths.
ENORspa, Southern Algeria
- Juniors Geologist
2009 - 2010Development of new systems in production, mapping and modeling of the mineralization, reserve evaluation, supervision of mining gold.
Research training; University of Sciences and Technologies Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algeria. Supervisor : Pr. K. Ouzegane. The evolution of pressure temperature of Tirek terrane, Hoggar Algeria in Pan Afrivan. Petrology-Mineralogy-Thermobarometrie-Datation.
Research training; Geodynamics, Engineering Geology and Planetology Laboratory at University of Sciences and TechnologieBors Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algeria. Supervisor, Dr.A. Bendaoued. Paragénitiques, mineralogical and P-T evolution relationships of garnet-quartz-plagioclase and orthopyroxene pyrigarnites, and silicato calsic metabasanites from Tamanrasset, Tin Amzi and Tidjénouine, Hoggar.