


En résumé

The FERENC LISZT INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY operates in the Marche region (Italy) since 1984 offering art in all its forms and expressions. Among its objectives prevail:
-the research and the support of young talents of Liszt's piano playing,
-the spread of classical music to aware the mood and the sense of spirituality that only Music knows how to give as universal language of peace among peoples.

At the high of success in eighteen years of music, theater, jazz and classic festivals, ballets, operas, in 2002 the Association makes a change to its activities, organizing a big cultural event: the Piano Competition dedicated to the Great Hungarian composer Ferenc (Franz) Liszt as sign of gratitude for having praised in the summer of 1868 the town of Grottammare (Italy) where he stayed for six weeks. In his writings to the Mayor of that time he remembers: "My six weeks in Grottammare will remain one of the best and sweetest memories of my life"

The competition gets a positive response from the Liszt Academies and Societies enough to convince the Association to go on. In 2004 it was joined by a Composition Competition counting 150 competitors from 25 nations.
The last three editions of the international competition stood out for important events: in 2008 was chosen by the Artistic Committee of the Beijing Olympic Composition Prize winner Liszt 2004 M. Wang Zhyi , then invited to perform for the Olympic games. The newspaper "Oberlyne Ohio" gave a considerable prominence to the event calling it "sensational".
The Fourth Edition of the Competition (2009) was held in the art city of Ascoli Piceno with an event of international importance: the presence in the jury of MARTHA ARGERICH, who was missing from the competitions for 28 years, and DANIEL RIVERA, Liszt musician par excellence and artistic director in that year. The Fifth edition of the Competition (2010) was characterized by the participation of M° IPPAZIO PONZETTA and M° MARCELLO ABBADO among the great pianists in career; since 2012 Abbado is honorary president of the Competition.

In 1986, the Association brings to the stage the massive "Totentanz", made of thirty dancers and two hundred participants: a performance in the city of Grottammare at night with the participation of a wide audience stunned and shocked by the hard work and the stage design.
In 2002, the Association has published on the occasion of the birth of the competition the book "Grottammare and Liszt".
In 2009, during the 25th years since the founding of the Association, was published the book "ERARD 36052, the intimate witness to the fragility of Liszt" in collaboration with Dr. Pasquale Barone of the University of Siena. The book is an original and exciting journey dedicated to the discovery of a unique piano in the world through the "deep and secret soul" of his pianist . The book also contains the intense work done by in the recent years and also reports a brief history of Grottammare, Liszt 's stay in this town, the Erard history of Erard discovery, its restoration and from the restoration to the sound.
In 2010, in addition to the International Piano Competition , has been developed an innovative type for the teaching of music in primary schools namec Kinder Liszt which is based on the concept of painting and interpreting Liszt Paraphrasys. There were also been unpublished ballet with music by Liszt , like Norma for Liszt, Paraphrasy "Reminiscences de Norma" by Bellini.
For further details please visit the official websiteArray

Mes compétences :
talent scouting


  • Association blog - Www.ferencliszt.blogspot.it

    2012 - maintenant
  • Ferenc Liszt International Society - Kinder Liszt

    2009 - maintenant
  • Ferenc Liszt International Society - Concours International de Piano

    1984 - maintenant Dans l'esprit et l'amour pour la musique, et surtout Franz Liszt, the "Ferenc Liszt International Society" cherche, soutien et encourage jeunes talents avec le Concours International de Piano dédié à au grand hongroise musicien, qui a passé l'été en 1868 dans notre ville de Grottammare (Italie), qui se trouve sur la côte adriatique italienne.
    La compétition est un grand hommage à Ferenc Liszt.
    Cette année il y aura la septième édition du 2 au 7 Décembre 2013.
    Pour toutes les informations, veuillez visiter le site Web http://www.premioliszt.it/eng/concorso_piano.html


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