Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO
- Senior Advisor
2007 - 2019
• Cumulative track record of €113 million in 43 research projects; management of €6 million of operational resources.
• Principal investigator / researcher / consultant in 33 projects (FP6, FP7, H2020, TNO, contract research), leading 16 of them. Roles include: principal investigator, consortium coordinator /co-director of research; work package/ activity leader; researcher, and lead consultant.
• Coordinator of a H2020-funded international network of Universities and Research Centres focusing on eco-innovation, circular economy and the Sustainable Development Goals: /
• Methods: qualitative analysis (case studies, innovation ecosystems, policy effectiveness, foresight methods, , etc.); quantitative analysis (survey-based modelling, trend analysis using R&D / patent data, advanced statistics, etc.), mixed methods (data triangulation, road mapping).
• H-index of 8 with 487 citations (google scholar). Total citations have an average of 44 per year between 2010-2019; most cited paper has 310 citations in the same period of time.
• (Co)author of +150 documents: 7 peer-reviewed articles (+1 submitted; +12 in the pipeline), 3 books (+2 in the pipeline), 3 book chapters (+1 in print), 35 conference papers, 6 working papers, 64 research reports, 2 cases, 3 thesis, 3 policy papers, and 21 other documents (e.g. high-level documents).
• Active engagement and participation in ~110 academic, policy and business events in the period 2007-2019 (See section Dissemination).
• Design, commissioning, and maintenance of an online knowledge repository with publications, videos, cases & tools in the area of innovation for sustainable development
• Creation of a website for events of the inno4sd network
• Consolidated network of contacts and relations in 100 countries. Relations work in academia, scientific institutions, private sector (multinationals, SMEs, start-ups, investors), foundations, NGOs, public sector (Ministries, Parliaments, Local authorities, agencies), Multilateral Organisations (OECD, UN), Development Banks (WB/IFC, IDB), knowledge platforms (GGKP, SDSN).
• Active team member for the elaboration of ±90 grant and project proposals resulting in the acquisition of €43,7 million in research grants and €3,9 million in contract research (calls for tenders, consultancy).
• Individual acquisition of grants for €22,5 million with a success rate of about 40%.
• Experienced in grant preparation, contracting, management and auditing/reporting obligations of projects funded by: the European Commission (FP6, F7, H2020, Marie Curie, EuropeAid), European Parliament, United Nations, World Bank, Interamerican Development Bank, Governments (National. Regional, Local in the Netherlands, Spain and Mexico), and National Research Agencies (NWO, ANR, TransAtlantic Partnership, Belmont Forum).
• Co-design and implementation of the research, innovation and entrepreneurship (R&IE) programme ‘Innovation, energy, climate and sustainable Development between Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean.
• Elaboration of base methodology in the UN Eco-innovation tool for SMEs, which was subsequently tested and adapted by implementation partners in 12 countries/ 48 SMEs (agro-food, textile & metals).
• Hands on experience in knowledge valorisation and tech transfer: For example:
o Knowledge valorisation of pre-competitive projects. Use of a tool for pre-market validation (venture scanner), testing the fitness of the business model, team, IPR, sustainability, etc.
o Active role in setting up of a bio-based business accelerator in Colombia, funded by the Dutch Government.
o Support to living lab of sustainable technologies in weather intensive environments: passive housing, solar PV, waste treatment, bio-digestors, mobile units of energy storage, small scale wind, water desalination, financial modelling, and user-validation. See