


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Access
working skills
special event management
responsible for the accounting area
managed the inventory
develop my communication skills
Strategic Management
Managing Change Management


  • Athletics Company - Stagiaire

    2014 - 2014 Internship : Worked with a competent team and managed to achieve the company's goals in time. Provided e-marketing , worked with professional athletes , and was responsible for the accounting area of the company.
  • Athenos/ Athletic - Stagiaire assistant communication

    2014 - 2014 Marketing
    Avril 2014 à Juillet 2014
    Athenos :
    - Creation d'événement pour les entreprises
    - e-marketing
    - counsulting marketing ( choix de logo pour des entreprises)

    - work group on data base
    - e-marketing
    -trouver de nouveaux clients
    - quelques semaines en comptabilité
  • Athenos - Stagiaire communication

    2014 - 2014 Athenos, Annecy (Consulting in marketing ,management and special event management (creation of seminar of companies))
    Internship : Worked on e-marketing , creation of specials events , creation of group work events .
  • «Maison Fressenon SARL» - Vendeur

    2011 - 2014 * Accueillir le client, le conseillé sur les produits proposés ;
    * Préparer la mise en rayon des produits, des articles en
    magasin( étiquetages, balisage)
    * Réaliser des objectifs de vente par jour
    * Livreur restauration

    Les weeks ends et les semaines de vacance scolaire.
  • Maison Fressnon - Sales assistant manager

    2008 - 2013 : Advised customers in the store, attained the sales target per day, managed the inventory, identified the needs in supply and ordered the goods, the products as well as checked the conformities of the delivery.
    Interests & Skills

    Interests & Skills

    Sport : I believe a healthy body is the key to a focused mind in today's hectic society. Enjoy a range of team sports especialy rugby.
    Ms Word, Access, powerpoint and Excel

    Ms Word, Access, powerpoint and Excel

    .Languages- French: fluent - English: fluent -Arabic : fluent - Spanish : High level


  • University Of Gloucestershire

    Cheltenham 2014 - 2015 Bachelor Affaires Internationales

    - Suivi des cours en Anglais ( maitrise de l'anglais acquise ).
    - Suivi de cours tels que Marketing international , New business entreprise , Cultural issues in management, Building and sustain international strategies.
  • University Of Gloucestershire (Cheltenham)

    Cheltenham 2014 - 2015 International business study

    Modules included :
    Managing Change -Strategic Management
    Cultural Issues in management -International Business
    - Investigations studies
  • IPAC Annecy Business School

    Annecy 2012 - 2014 Bachelors Degree

    Modules Included :
    - Management -Economie Economics
    - Finance - marketing Marketing ;
    - logistique logistics - International Business
  • École De Commerce Ipac Annecy (Ferney Voltaire)

    Ferney Voltaire 2012 - maintenant Bachelor Affaires Internationales
  • Lycée International

    Ferney Voltaire 2007 - 2010 Baccalauréat

    spécialités économie et les pensées économiques


Annuaire des membres :