The Wolrd Bank - Washington DC
- Senior Economist
2011 - maintenant
Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), Washington DC
- TTL for the preparation of the review of the CAS completion Report of Kazakhstan
- Member of the team in charge of the production of the report on the evaluation of knowledge based World Bank country program, more specifically assess the impact of AAA activities in South Africa, Kuwait, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan and Russia.
- Member of the team in charge of preparing a note on the regional strategy update of the Africa Region
Ministere de l' enseignement supérieur et de la recherche
- Chef de Service
2011 - 2011
Head of the service in charge of performance, financing and contract with public research institutes.
- Notably the National Scientific Research Institute (CNRS), the National Agronomic Research Institute (INRA), the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), the National Institute for Life Sciences and Health Research (INSERM), the Development Research Institute (IRD). The service comprises four departments and around 50 staffs and covered budgetary programs totaling 7.6 billions euros.
I was managing this service in charge of:
- Preparing and Monitoring the implementation of program budget by research institutions,
- Preparing 5 years performance contract with public research bodies and monitoring overall implementation progress through quarterly board reviews. In particular, I prepared the performance contract of the development research institute which was submitted to the board in June 2011;
- Monitoring the management of very large research infrastructure
- Promoting competitive mechanisms to select and allocate resources to research projects notably through the National Research Agency (ANR) in order to ensure gradual increase in project financing in the overall resource of public research institutes.
Administrator at the Board of the Development Research Institute (IRD).
- Chargé de mission
2008 - 2010
Direction Générale de la Modernisation de l'Etat, Ministère du Budget, des comptes publics et de la reforme de l'Etat - Suivi de la Révision Générale des Politiques Publiques
World Bank
- Economist
2000 - 2008
Economiste en charge des questions sur l'Intégration régionale en Afrique de l'Ouest 2000
Département Recherche 2001
Région Afrique
Economiste du Cameroun 2002 - 2006
Economiste Centre Afrique 2007
Economiste Tanzanie 2008