


En résumé

Software package, Murex Datamart consultant & 4sight Analyst.

Mes compétences :


  • Crédit Agricole CIB - Securities lending operations

    Montrouge 2014 - maintenant 4sight Analyst, Loan, Collateral management.
  • Murex - Intégration

    Paris 2011 - 2014 Investment banking actors are permanetly seeking for end-to-end solution that addresses all asset classes with efficiency and performance. Those actors take position on financial market and need to monitor this position comparing to days before. Murex reporting module proposes features that help users to keep a high level quality of their business by providing a set of prepackaged reports: Position keeping, PL detailed by trades, PL consolidated by portfolio/counterpart, Risk, VaR and Order reports.

    As part of Murex reporting team, I'm responsible:

    - > While a new reports is requested, to gather Customers' needs and write specification document. Once the specs are validated, to build this report thanks to Murex reporting objects (Dynamic table, Datamart table, Feeder, Batch of feeder, Datamart extraction and Batch of datamart extraction), and deliver the report to Customer.

    - > For customers (running old Murex solution : MxG2000) willing to take advantage of recent Murex solution (MX.3), a Migration project is required. Hence, I'm involving by providing help to run analysis tools and workbooks (Scanbook, Recbook, Scopebook) and interpret the figures.

    - > Support assistance, for all client raised issues related to reporting or migration, I'm providing a second level support through investigations and solution delivery to meet client satisfaction.

    - > For customers interest to boost their skills around Murex reporting solution,I'm providing Client training (Datamart and Mreport reporting solution)
  • Dotgreen - Stagiaire R&D

    2010 - 2010 -Améliorations techniques et intégration html, css et Analyse d'audience(Google Analytics)
    -développement d'un site d'évaluation(QCMtech) en ligne par des QCM
    -Développement d'un système de plugin évolutif pour une application existante, réalisant l'audit d'un parc informatique. création du web service, développement des composants capables de le consommer. sécurité du web service.
  • SN Microlide - Stagiaire

    2009 - 2009 développé une application de gestion de code barre pour un nouveau terminal de saisi. L’application réalise le point d’entrer d’un système de traçabilité. Je lui ai aussi donné la capacité de faire évoluer sa base de données, en permettant une fusion des différentes base de données des clients. Le logiciel toutefois devait pouvoir fonctionner sur les PDA de constructeurs différents (multi plate forme: UNITECH, DATALOGIC).



Annuaire des membres :