


En résumé

Generalist Engineer specialised in Energy & Environment, with a strong engineering background and great experience in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. Florian has expertise in project engineering, planning, feasability studies, prospection and business development.

Take up new international challenges in the development of energetic projects.

• Renewable Energies : Technical and Financial studies / Project Management / Area Identification and Leasing
• Business Development : Market Opportunity / Commercial Strategy / Canvassing / International Negotiation

• AFRICA = > Gabon - 6 years / Cameroon - 2 years / Senegal - 4 months / Moroccco - 8 months
• SOUTH AMERICA = > Brazil – 6 months
• OCEANIA = > Australia – 6 years
• ASIA = > China - 2 years

Mes compétences :
Energies renouvelables
Relations internationales
Energie solaire
Efficacité énergétique
Product Lifecycle Management
Développement durable
Smart Grid
Bâtiment basse consommation
Business development


  • Critical Building - Overseeing the Construction of a Datacenter

    Paris 2014 - 2015 Critical Building is an Assistant to the Contracting Authority in datacenters projects.

    PROJECT MANAGEMENT OFFICER ( Fixed-Term Contract) => until August 2015
  • SOLVEO ENERGIE - Project Engineer - (Dakar, SENEGAL) (Casablanca, MOROCCO)

    2013 - 2014 Acquisition and Development of Renewable Energy Projects in Western Africa:

    Based in Dakar (4 months) and Casablanca (8 months), the objective was to develop the B to B market and carry out the technical and financial studies of large scale Solar/Wind utilities.

    • Sole Regional Representative (Western Africa)

    • Land Prospecting / Leasing Negotiation

    • Technical and Financial studies / Project Management

    • Commercial Strategy / Canvassing

    This International Internship Programme (V.I.E), is a French international corporate placement programme which offers to recent graduates a highly-rewarding professional experience, a real springboard for an international career.
  • LabEEE - R&D Engineer - (Florianopolis, BRAZIL)

    2013 - 2013 Building Integrated Photovoltaic/Battery System:

    This lab funded by the Brazilian government does work on Building Energy Efficiency, Building Thermo Energy Simulation, Bioclimatology, Thermal Comfort and Stress, Solar Energy, Rational Water Usage, Heat Transfer.

    • Assessment of a social building in Brazil equiped with a smart grid, a battery and PV system

    • Research in Building Integrated Micro Grid (BIMG) and Building Integrated PhotoVoltaics (BIPV)
  • Emmaüs - Engineer Student - (Bougival, FRANCE)

    Montreuil 2012 - 2012 Energy Efficiency Audit of EMMAUS Bougival

    Student Project for a real customer; Team of 4 student-engineers:
    Team objectif was to rank our energy efficient solutions by comparing cost-benefit analysis for heating, electricity and insulation in order to improve work conditions.

    • Field Work: visit of the community
    -To understand exactly the situation of the customer
    - To observe users daily behavior towards energy consumption
    - Identify the weaknesses and opportunities of the living & working areas

    • Study on Cogeneration Potential of Bougival site:
    -Estimation of Heat & Electricity demand using customer bills
    -Sizing of CHP unit => Micro Gas Turbine
    -Calculation of Primary Energy Saving / Payback Period / CO2 Emission Saving

    • Study on PV Panel Potential of Bougival site:
    -Calculation of LCOE / Payback Period / CO2 Emission Saving
    -Estimation of Solar Potential and Total Power Output in the area

    • Ranking of different studies and advice given to customer on what to do first
    -Customer is satisfied by our work
    -Future planning & decision making for Bougival will be done based on our report
  • EDF - Project Manager Assistant - (Beijing, CHINA)

    Paris 2011 - 2011 Energy Efficiency in Industrial sector: Full time engineer trainee. I was to assist a project developing team in the Energy Efficiency department.

    • Implementation of a Measuring Campaign for an Energy Efficiency Project
    -Worked on client's factory site with a French/Italian/Chinese team of engineers
    -Set up a VBA file to estimate/compare energy savings with measurements
    -Interviewed different potential suppliers for the project

    • Energy Saving Project Management
    -Worked with the energy saving project team members to assess schedules/milestones
    -Used MS Project to draw Gantt charts

    • Technical Description of an Energy Performance Contract
    -How to set up an energy saving project in China

    • Prospective study of fossil energy prices and electricity tariffs

    • Study on energy saving companies (ESCOs) competing in China


  • Ecole EPF (Sceaux)

    Sceaux 2007 - 2012 - Building Energy Efficiency
    - Management Innovation
    - Life Cycle Assessment
    - Energy Systems
    - Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
    - Air Pollution Modelling
    - Urban Architecture
    - Sustainable Supply Chain
    - Carbon Capture and Storage
    - Solar Energy
    - Renewable Energy Economics
    - Wind Power
    - Co/Tri-Generation
    - Carbon,Water Footprint
    - Bioenergy
    - Energy Eco-Develo
  • Lycée Français International De Pékin (Beijing)

    Beijing 2006 - 2007


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