

Saint Maur des Fossés Cedex

En résumé

I am a young graduate very motivated and involved in university association, personal and professional projects . My course like engineer student allows to work with a team on an innovative project and managed this project before obtaining a placement like trainee in the pharmaceutical analytical R&D department in Septodont. With this experiences, I improved my critical spirit, my creativity, my knowledge, my organization and also the project managements in a R&D department. During my background, I met several professionals for projects and chosen analytical drug chemistry like specialization. The analytical department is very attractive because it is at the heart of development. Indeed, working on an analytical team give the possibility to be in link with Quality Control department, regulation department, R&D and production, daily, what is very interesting and exciting.

My professional objectif is to work in a analytical department like Junior Project Manager in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, material fields or food-processing industry what is a logical continuity of my specialization and my last intership.

I wish put all my personal and professional skills at the service of your company.

Mes compétences :
Techniques analytiques organiques
Synthèse et analyse des polymères et colloïdes
Génie chimique et génie des procédés
Techniques bibliographiques
Biologie moléculaire et cellulaire
Microsoft Office
Programmation informatique Matlab
Réglementations pharmaceutiques
Spécificités pharmaceutiques (Validation SFSTP)
Techniques analytiques inorganiques
Gestion de projet et planification
Business Management
Chimie des matériaux
Chimie industrielle
Chimie organique


  • Septodont - Stagiaire chargé de projets en développement analytique

    Saint Maur des Fossés Cedex 2014 - 2014 GENERAL CONTEXT:
    - Extractible and leachable studies from immediate packaging composed on
    polymers, elastomers formulated with additive components used for an
    injectable drug packaging / Choice of materials

    - Extraction steps, GC-MS-FID analyses (liquid and headspace injections), HPLC analysis
    - Bibliography studies, regulatory reference
    - Toxicity Threshold recommendations
    - Identification and quantitation of extractables
    -Extraction Design

    - In collaboration with a laboratory technician, work in a team, communication and task planning, result analysis
    - In collaboration with managers of analytical department, scientific presentations and progress reports.
    - Laboratory safety rules respect
    - Writing of scientific reports, update lab book
    - Writting of extraction protocoles and introduction of extraction monitoring
  • Université de Bordeaux - Projet Master en développement analytique et validation

    Bordeaux 2013 - 2014 GENERAL CONTEXT:
    - Analytical development of a new galenic form using
    Ceftriaxone like antibiotic to treat neonatal deaths in the
    developing countries in a two person team and in collaboration with the galenic department

    - Development and optimization of two analytical methods (for non biological and biological quantitation)
    - Method validation (SFSTP, EMA, FDA guidelines), Stability studies, Binary blend compatibilities.
    - Project scheduled on several years, Grand challenge funding.
    - Writing two English scientific reports and several protocols.

    - Partnership with a galenic laboratory inside the University of Bordeaux 2. Share results and schedule tasks.
    - Bibliographic aspects and scientific tasks
    - Formation of two galenic persons to continue the quantitation studies using Chromeleon software
  • Laffort - Stagiaire ouvrier de production

    2012 - 2012 GENERAL CONTEXT:
    - Work in a production department

    - Packaging and production department.
    - Order preparations for clients for grape harvests, to stabilize the wine, to control
    - Visit of an analysis lab specialized in Wine analysis: SARCO

    - Work in a team ( 2 persons : 1 man with 1 woman) : Team Spirit and help people on others production lines
    - Organization, involvement and determination
    - Work in an hard and noisy environment
    - Apply safety production rules
  • ENSCBP - Projet Recherche Développement Innovation

    2012 - 2013 GENERAL CONTEXT:
    - Formulation of a cosmetic product mixing 4 functions (Shower-gel, toothpaste,
    Shampoo and shaving gel) with a six person team
    - Scientific and project management skills

    - Management project, Risks management (SWOT)
    - Business analysis
    - Schedule using the software “Gant”.
    - Search in the scientific literature and presentation of the results.
    - Search protocols, physical, chemical and biological tests, with companies (Yves Rocher, Rodia, Cosderma)
    - Competition with 3 others ENSCBP innovative projects : EPIC competition
    - Formulation of a cosmetic prototype product using scientific organization and experimental plans

    - Project leader
    - In charge of communication with industrials
    - Writing reports about meetings and introduction of agenda for next meeting
    - Planning team tasks and supervision
    - Reservation of laboratory rooms
    - Solve communication and personal problems into the team


  • Université Bordeaux 2 Victor Segalen UFR Pharmacie

    Bordeaux 2013 - 2014 Master Analyse et Contrôle des Médicaments et Autres produits de santé.

    Double diplôme orienté sur les spécifications des analyses pharmaceutiques.
    Etudes des techniques analytiques classiques organiques, techniques analytiques innovantes (chimiométrie) et réglementations en vigueur en milieu pharmaceutique et contrôle qualités (Validation SFSTP, Pharmacopées, CTD...)
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure De Chimie, Biologie Et Physique (ENSCBP)

    Pessac 2011 - 2014 Ingénieur physico-chimiste - Bordeaux INP

    Département Chimie Physique, pré-spécialisation Ingéniérie des Polymères et Formulation.
    Etude de la Chimie & Matériaux Inorganiques, Chimie Moléculaire et Polymères, Chimie Physique & Analytique, Toxicologie, Physique (Mécanique, Thermodynamique, Optique), Sciences Humaines et Sociales et des Sciences et Technique de l'Ingénieur (Génie des Procédés , Génie Chimique, Programmation Matlab...)
  • Classe Préparatoire Aux Grandes Ecoles - Lycée Massena

    Nice 2009 - 2011 Classe préparatoire BCPST
  • Université De Sciences Valrose

    Nice 2008 - 2009 1ière année de licence, département Sciences de la Matière


Annuaire des membres :