

En résumé

Mes compétences :
Mobile commerce
Mobile marketing
IOS development


  • TextMe, Inc - Software Engineer - iOS Developer

    2014 - 2017 - Maintaining the existing software
    o Working on the support of the existing code and solving issues in the
    production software
    o Re-writing and fixing code to solve problems identified by the Quality
    Assurance Engineer and the Customer Support Team

    - Industrialize the iOS ecosystem
    o Continuous integration through Jenkins and Xcode Server to define and measure quality metrics (CCN / Clang Static Analyzer / PMD - Lint Reports / Duplicate code / Unit tests)
    o Optimize the efficiency of the software development process by developing generic and reusable components for different products and features (CocoaPods - Private Frameworks)

    - Contribute to build and develop future products and software releases
    o Work with the UI/UX designer to develop flow of the features
    o Innovate to build a better user experience
    o Research & Development 

  • AXA France - IOS Developer (INEAT Service provider)

    Nanterre 2013 - 2014 - Developer on « Mon AXA », an iPhone application allowing final customers to manage their banking accounts and policy contracts.
    o Agile Software Development Ecosystem
    o High quality constraints (Code review from a Tech Lead, Design patterns, ObjC best practices)
    o Continuous Integration

    - iOS 7 upgrade of an iPad app used by sales persons. (design, UI and deprecated code)
    - Corrective maintenance on different iOS projects / Industrialization
    - Scrum & Kanban concept based team management
    - Testing and Quality Insurance
  • Ineat Conseil - Software Engineer - iOS Developer / Consultant

    Lille 2012 - 2014 - Lead developer on GedUp. Research and development of an iOS document management application with a social layer in order to facilitate collaboration and sharing.
    o Deal with the Alfresco iOS SDK
    o Extend the social and collaborative dimension
    o Parallelize and persist
    o Enhance the user experience through an intuitive app
    NB : Solution presented by Alfresco at the Apps World of San Francisco in February 2013

    - Development of an M-Commerce application for Chausport, a sports retailer.
    Allow customer to navigate in a sales structure and consult all the products of the e-commerce website, directly in the outlet through an iPad implemented as a self-service monitor.
    o Consult products
    o Shopping cart management
    o Bar code scanner (product availability check / similar product research)
    o Product command and delivery inscription
    NB : Solution available in Chausport stores in France

    - Development of an iPhone hybrid application called « Ma santé mobile » for Humanis, a retirement and insurance group.
    Allowing users to consult their selfcare reimbursement via a sencha touch application encapsulated in a Webview, manage their medical contacts (doctors, dentist, etc.) and call emergency services.
  • Ikomobi - Junior iOS Developer

    Villeneuve d'Ascq 2011 - 2011 - R&D of an interoperable M-Commerce iOS application that working with E-Commerce solutions like Magento or Prestashop. (User interface and services).

    - Development of a cocoa application on mac in order to display products on a large touch screen implemented as a self-service monitor in a large-scale retail outlet.

    - UML based analysis, OOP implementations
  • Association iEPSI - Founder & President

    2010 - 2012 iEPSI est une association loi 1901, ayant pour but d'assurer une veille technologique sur les produits Apple, mais également de travailler sur le développement d'applications iPhone et iPad natives.

    Ce laboratoire regroupe des étudiants de l'EPSI Arras partageant une passion commune. Le but étant de monter en compétence sur le développement iOS mais aussi d'échanger sur la mobilité en général.


  • Ikomobi - Junior iOS Developer

    Villeneuve d'Ascq 2010 - 2010 - iOS based development on different applications
    - UML based analysis, OPP implementations
  • NCS : Networks & Communications Systems - Junior Web Developer

    2009 - 2009
  • Activ' Company - Junior Web Developer

    Paris 2009 - 2009


Annuaire des membres :