As long as I can remember I was in a continual interrogation about the gear of world. That’s why I started my first part of studies with technical orientation. It allowed me to understand the “shadow” part of current object in worldwide like computer, phone …
At 2015 I graduated with a degree of computer science (electronics and computer engineering) from the first French research university. I studied in partnership with an airfield lighting firm, which gave me the opportunity to led product development and commercial case.
At the end of my studies I started an entrepreneurship in mobile application with former school student. I devel-oped a network of business partners and I improved my software skill in wireless internet object.
After that I was committed in an engineer position with a huge business part. Firm which sold application software to other com-pany with a goal, the optimization of global process. I discovered a totally new world based on commercial skill.
Now I’d like to restart with a position that require more technical skills without forgetting my business experience. Electronics, entrepreneurship and human relations are subjects that inspiring me in my work.
Please feel free to contact me by mail at if you think that we should collaborate.
Mes compétences :
Mac OS
Microsoft Office
Stratégie commerciale
Gestion de projet
Pas de contact professionnel