*26 years experience of management of B.U. in international groups-CIBA,ARBED,ARCELORMITTAL-managing a growing turnover with accuracy and increasing profitability:i.e.from 1991 to 2006, volume multiplied by 3,4 ,turnover by 5, and ROCE by 14.
*before that, 13 years of experience in Marketing, Strategy, Mergers, Acquisitions, and Organisation.
° since 2009:Founding Manager of "Management & Development Partners"
°01/2002-31/10/2008: CEO of ARCELOR Commercial France,Chairman of Trade ARBED france, CEO Steel Market Development ARCELORMITTAL Steel Solutions and Services-ARCELORMITTAL Group- Steel Industry.
°01/1996-31/12/2001: CEO of SIDSTAHL France and Chairman of Trade ARBED France - ARBED Group- Steel Industry.
°01/1991-31/12/1995: Chairman of Trade ARBED France- Steel Industry.
°01/1983-31/12/1990: Managing Director of Plastics and Composites Department- CIBA-GEIGY France.
°01/1979-31/12/1982: Head of Marketing and Strategy Department for France-TELEMECANIQUE ELECTRIQUE-SCHNEIDER GROUP now.
°09/1970-31/12/1978: Consultant in BOSSARD/CAP GEMINI Group, with two steps:
-Industial Organisation
-Strategy, mergers and acquisitions
Doctor of Management-PARIS(DAUPHINE)University
( with distinction "very good")
Sciences Po Paris.
Mes compétences :
Développement des entreprises
Management d'équipe
Management de transition
Pas de formation renseignée