"Francis Bourre was lead developer at Paris-based periscope-creations.com whose clients include Ubisoft, EA Games, Michelin, Sony, Eidos, Nintendo, and Apple Computer. In parallel, he worked on various projects such as isometric multi-users platforms, msn flash client and Open Source frameworks for applications and games development. Bourre is known for his eclectism (he is also an electro-jazz musician and novelist) and his esthetic code approach. He has written many articles and tutorials about OOP and design patterns. He has also worked for prizee.com to do research on virtual worlds and game development."
Expert plateforme Flash: Développement, consulting et Formation.
Développeur Ajax, PHP et Java.
Mon blog : http://blog.tweenpix.net
- Auteur de plusieurs frameworks open-source (pixlib, pixioc, lowra): http://pixlib.org
- Conférencier au Sommet International des Jeux-vidéo à Montreal
- Conférencier au FITC à Toronto
- Conférencier au FOTB à Brighton
- Conférencier au FITC à Hollywood
- Conférencier au Spark Europe 2005 (2 sessions)
*Open Source and Flash 11/16/2005, 2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
*Building Isometric Multi-User Engines 11/18/2005, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
http://www.sparkeurope.com/default.asp?Location=17 ,148,816,993&SpkrID=4025&SessionID={AB8593F5-351A-48A2-9BD3-61B2E9A801B8}
- Conférencier au FlashEurope 2004
- Sélectionné en 2004 par Shawn Pucknell pour la compétition FITC qui se déroulait à Toronto: IronFlash
- AS2 high-level teacher at Pyramyd
- IFBIN partner http://www.ifbin.com/
* Ted Patrick: Over the years, I have spend allot of time reading Francis's examples and tutorials, it is a real treat to have him join us on as an IFBIN author/partner. I look forward to seeing Francis's contribution to XBE.
* Patrick Mineault: For those who don't know Francis, in addition to doing all the things the Ted mentioned, he also happens to run one of the top French Flash
blogs around, TweenPix, and has been revered has a demi-god figure by his many loyal followers. ... Definitely good to have him on our side ;)
- Technical reviewer pour O'Reilly
- Technical reviewer pour Joey Lott: CDRom Advanced ActionScript
- Féru de nouvelles technos
Betatester pour les produits Adobe depuis 2004.
Betatester ActionScript 3.0 depuis l'alpha privée en 2004.
Betatester FDT (toutes les versions)
Betatester Dione (tech C# pour générer du swf)
Beta-tester Prim
Betatester bldocs
Beta-tester Kinetic Fusion 2.0
- Actionscript hero of the month avec: Robin Debreuil, Grant Skinner, Darron Schall, Colin Moock, Tanja Pislar, Peter Hall et Claus Wahlers.
Mes compétences :
Consulting & Formation
Pas de formation renseignée