
Frédéric AUBERT


En résumé

Expert in Purchasing, Supply Chain management, and Business Development in Asia for 6 years, in addition of 10 years of experience in mass distribution environment and retail in different management positions in France and abroad. Established in Asia since 2010, I gained a strong experience of Chinese and Thai markets.
Liaised with my European culture and background, I have a strong ability and understanding to support business development in both Asia and Europe..
Passionate man, I have a good understanding of Asian culture to be proficient and success in our business development, because in Asia the key success is flexibility, adaptability and full understanding of our environment.

From 2011, i hold executive position in Sourcinasia Group Hong Kong.
Founding and managing this holding group specialized in sourcing, manufacturing, trading, quality control, logistics and consulting for worldwide BtoB customers and OEM business.
Our group was restructuring end of 2015 to become Inasia Corp. Limited.
This new entity will strengthen our position in Asia especially in South East Asia, and tap up in Food business in addition to our 15,000 non food products in catalog.
Inasia Corp Limited is also more oriented on new market such as Africa, Middle East and Pacific offering very competitive products matching with the requirements in these areas.

Corporate website:ArrayArray maket.inasia-corp.com
Brands websites:ArrayArrayArrayArray

Mes compétences :
Sourcing international
Grande distribution
Commerce international
Achats internationaux
Distribution spécialisée
Direction générale
Négociation internationale
Distribution B2B


  • Inasia Corp. Limited - Hong Kong. - Managing Director Asia

    2016 - maintenant Achieving the restructuring of Sourcinasia Group that becomes Inasia Corp Limited, managing all the business in Asia including managing our offices in Hong kong, China and Thailand and also all sourcing activity in South east Asia.
    In charge of Legal, social, finance and operations in Asia as the offices' director.
    Involved in the strategy and business development.
    Extend our sales development to new area like Africa, Pacific and Middle east.
    Tap up in the market with a wide range of food produtcs from South East Asia.
    Set up a new office and warehouse in China to promote our ability to provide consolidation and picking for more flexibility in supply chain.
    Establish strong commitment with suppliers and factories in South East Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia) to provide a global offer from Asia.
    Upgrade our ERP and set up an online website project to offer a public access to our catalog.
  • SIA Group Ltd (Sourcinasia) - Hong Kong - COO Business Development SIA Group

    2015 - maintenant Complete restructuring of the organization after the merger with a Hong Kong trading company and the entrance in the capital of new shareholders. In the new organization we have an Operations Manager for China who is in charge of sourcing and the supply chain for the group, and a Sales Manager based in France. My location in Bangkok is intended to give us a broader reach in Asia and continue to develop our Asia sourcing on Southeast Asia including new product lines such as food products.
    - In charge to oversee the execution of the merger, to accompany the new teams in their positions, including training for ERP and process.
    - I keep the administrative and financial management for the whole group and am in charge of development and strategic thinking of the 2016 policy. Plan a target of $ 14 M global revenue for 2016.
  • SIA Group Ltd (Sourcinasia) - Hong Kong - General Manager SIA Asia

    2015 - 2015 - In addition to previous positions, set up a new branch in Thailand (YFC) which became the new head office for South East Asia.
    - In charge of business development for the different branches (Trading, Manufacturing and Distribution) and for the new markets development in South East Asia.
    - In charge of all new projects in Asia including Legal, Recruitment, Staff Training, Commercial strategy, Purchasing and Marketing.
    - Consolidate our ERP which become fully operational and allows us to manage our trading activities, involving a catalog of 13,000 products and 800 manufacturing plants.
  • SIA Group Ltd (Sourcinasia) - Hong Kong - General Manager SIA China

    2012 - 2014 - In addition to the first HK office, set up a new office in Guangzhou and manage all legal procedures.
    - In charge of administration, legal and entire business management for China.
    - Recruit an executive team to manage the 3 departments: Sourcing, Supply chain, Sales.
    - Management of the Chinese team (6 persons).
    - Signed a partnership with one of my furniture factories, mid 2013, with a financial investment in the plant and the acquisition of a 1,000 m² showroom shared with the plant, a 60 m² office inside, a dedicated team and the Sourcinasia exclusivity for the European market.
    - Started the development of a specific ERP for our trading business, which is today a high value for the group and one of the basement of its development.
  • SIA Group Ltd (Sourcinasia) - Hong Kong - General Manager SIA Hong Kong

    2010 - 2012 Trading and manufacturing Asia
    General manager of the Purchasing office, including trading and manufacturing activities.
    Former of the office in 2010 including all legal and financial matters.
    Create the first trading office in Hong Kong after 1 year visiting, auditing and selecting factories in China, building range products to be manufactured and exported worldwide.
  • Carrefour - Purchasing Manager Non food products

    Massy 2007 - 2010 International Sourcing and negotiating of non-food goods
    Negotiating contract in accordance with the French legislation
    Cross Management of 22 people including departmental leader, category manager and shop-floor supervisor.
    Implementation of standardized assortments throughout the chain
    Development of pricing and communication strategies
    Analysis and monitoring of financial statements
    Supply Chain management
  • SYSTEME U Centrale régionale Sud. - Sales Manager non food products

    VENDARGUES 2004 - 2007 Development of non-food section in Reunion’s 13 outlets (Planning purchasing, sales promotions)
    Turnover increase of 30% in first year
    Supervision of hypermarket opening for Non Food department
    Profit center management >30.000 K€
    Management of 25 people
  • Promodes - Division leader of textile

    1996 - 2003 Regional manager for textile department (12 outlets)
    Supervision of supermarket opening
    Profit center management
    Team management
    Sourcing and negociating purchasing suppliers contract
    Supervision of the supply chain


  • Ecole Supérieure De Commerce (Mont Saint Aignan)

    Mont Saint Aignan 1992 - 1995 Grande Distribution
  • Lycée Saint Jude

    Armentieres 1989 - 1992 Baccalauréat scientifique
Annuaire des membres :