- Head of Technical Department CDG Paris Area
Villiers sur marne
2012 - maintenant
I manage 4 teams of maintenance engineers and one training team. My service has 48 maintenance engineers ensuring the availability of ATM and CNS systems of all technical installations for air navigation CDG airport. It also has 25 engineers specialists to maintain and develop these systems. Finally, six officers and a program manager assist me in managing the service.
- Safety Manager CDG
Villiers sur marne
2010 - 2012
- ATM Senior Manager
Villiers sur marne
2004 - 2010
Within the control unit of the Air Navigation CDG, I managed maintenance teams of ATM systems. I participated to the technical facilities of the new control center, as well as two control towers.
- Assistant/adjoint au chef de subdivision CAUTRA réseaux
Villiers sur marne
2001 - 2004
- Ingénieur maintenance CDG
Villiers sur marne
1999 - 2001
- Ingénieur de maintenance CRNA Est REIMS
Villiers sur marne
1994 - 1999