Mes compétences :
Contrôle de gestion
Accor Peru
- Director Administrativo y Financiero
Paris2013 - maintenant
- Consolideur
Paris2010 - 2013o Acquired knowledge in the hospitality sector by controlling and analyzing financial statements of Latin America : 226 hotels representing €396 millions of revenues in 2012
o Strengthened IFRS expertise by preparing the Group equity analysis in compliance with IFRS 3 Revised: €2,989 million in 2012.
o Acquired good command of Surf – Accor consolidation and reporting system (Hyperion Financial Management)
o Developed presentation skills by preparing audit committee reports, meeting tight deadlines.
Ernst & Young
- Senior Auditor
Courbevoie2009 - 2010Project leader (Senior) – deployed in oil & gas, power utilities
• Assurance & Advisory Business Services - Main engagement: Total S.A.
o Audited Total’s financial statements. Identified points and made recommendations that reinforced company’s compliance with French GAAP
o Prepared reports and meetings with Total management. Collaborated with accountants with efficiency, empathy and professionalism which strengthened team’s relationship and company’s image with client
o Developed team management by overseeing and assessing four junior analysts in executing audit of multiple sections of Total S.A.
• Transaction Advisory Services – Vendor due diligence (6 weeks) Zurich, Switzerland
o Developed IFRS expertise by identifying and reporting local GAAP (Swiss, German and Italian) to IFRS differences of 20 entities
o Assimilated transaction services practices: analyzed main costs and one-offs to restate presented income statements, and participated in current trading analyses
o Reinforced presentation skills by writing report sections regarding the evolution of the transaction perimeter
Ernst & Young
- Junior analyst
Courbevoie2007 - 2008Junior Analyst (Intern) - deployed in energy, mining and consumer products
• Maint clients: Total S.A., Suez and GSM
o Analyzed reporting and related business processes. Controlled their compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 requirements.
o Developed adaptability and expertise by working with different teams in several industries: Oil & Gas (Total), Environment (SITA Fairtec, Suez Group) and Mining (GSM, Italcimenti Group).
o Acquired knowledge on risk assessment: participated in trainings dealing with audit methodology and particularly risk management
Chloé International - Richemont Group
- Accountant
2006 - 2006Accountant (intern) – Accounts payable
o Checked bills recording: identified points of discrepancy in VAT inputs.
o Helped reorganizing the accounting department: participated in redefining the accounting software parameters
Copenhagen Business School (Copenhague)
Copenhague2008 - 2008• Summer University abroad at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
Reims2005 - 2009Master of Science in Management degree
• Topic of thesis: “LBO funds acquisitions: which managerial, strategic and financial challenges for companies acquired?”
• Elected Social Events Chairman, RMS Student Association (2006-2007). Managed a 20-people team and a 30 K€ budget.
Lycée Louis Pasteur (Neuilly Sur Seine)
Neuilly Sur Seine2002 - 2005Classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles de commerce (Prep School)
Completed a three-year curriculum in Economics and Business