- Risk Management & Internal Control Assistant
2015 - 2015Stage de Fin d'Etudes : Refonte du Contrôle Interne
IESEG, School Of Management (Paris)
Paris2014 - 2014M1 - Semestre d'échange
Classement du Figaro: 2014/2015
Comme l’année dernière, l’IÉSEG décroche la 1ère place du classement des Écoles Post-Bac et – bonne nouvelle- intègre le TOP 10 (7ème place, + 5 places) du classement toutes Écoles de commerce confondues !
University Of Kansas (Lawrence, Kansas)
Lawrence, Kansas2013 - 2013The KWLI is one of the U.S. Department of State’s Study of US Institute’s (SUSI) programs on Women’s Leadership. SUSI programs for Student Leaders are five-week academic programs for foreign undergraduate leaders sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State. Hosted by U.S. academic institutions throughout the United States.