


En résumé

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  • CEMAGREF+CRPE(Research group of VEOLIA) - Researcher

    2006 - maintenant CDD Researcher in the frame of the Project (DIMR2D2 : Domaine d’Intérêt Majeur, Réseau de Recherche pour le Développement Durable), CEMAGREF-CRPE(Research group of VEOLIA), Paris, France.
    A part of this study has concerned the development at labscale of some wastes pretreatments which permits to improve the production of methane gas from solid wastes in landfill. In the same objective to improve methane production and to valorize leachate, some pretreatments are developed and consisted to add fly ashes and bottom ashes to wastes in anaerobic conditions. Also, some pretreatments are developed in order to convert and improve the degradation of lignocellulosic biomass to gas. Other part of this study focused on the identification and the follow of methanogenic microorganisms' activity by using FISH, Electrophoresis and ARISA. Finally, Dissolved organic matter in leachate during the degradation of wastes is also studied by using fluorescence spectroscopy. Very interesting results are obtained during this postdoctoral training which are valorizing as articles.


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