


En résumé

CEO Executive Business Accelerator (Paris - Boston) /Array
Past VP Harvard Angels

Entrepreneur / Investor: support over 250 international businesses (startups / SMEs / Busines Units)
12 years in the digital industry: creation of 8 companies (USA / Europe / Asia)
16 years in industry & finance with operational and executive positions in large groups

Expertise: Business Development / Marketing / Commercial / Restructuring (65 missions) / M&A /
Finance / Information Systems

Practices: ITech / FinTech / Finance / Industry / Services / Agri-Food

Board member of several startups & companies / Administrator of the Planet & Ocean endowment fund
Sponsor of the Mines - Telecom Master of Entrepreneurship & Innovation

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Mes compétences :
Strategy Implementation
Startup Development
International Business Development
Group Restructuring
Information systems
Publishing Technologies
High-Tech Industries
Business Development


  • Executive Business Accelerator - Founder & CEO

    Paris 2013 - maintenant A business accelerator led by entrepreneurs-investors from Harvard Business School

    More than 30 companies under acceleration process & international expansion (startups / SMEs up to € 200 million turnover / large companies Busines Units up to € 1.3 billion turnover) in IT, Industry, Services, Finance

    A team of over 10 front-line buiness experts with operational experience in innovating startups, growth companies, large groups and capital development

    A global network of thousands of entrepreneurs, investors & diplomats

    Accelerated development, internationalization and financing of companies with strong potential (innovative startups / SMEs / Large companies Business Units)

    Digitizing process (Industry, Service & Finance) & integration of new technologies (IT / Blockchain, etc.) and startups in SMEs & large companies Business Units

    Valuation of patents & industrial, marketing & sales deployment
  • Up4Startup - Founder & CEO

    Paris 2012 - maintenant Up4Startup is a Global Business Network & Financial Visibility Platform for Entrepreneurs & Growing Companies.
    Whatever your stage of business growth is, Up4Startup is dedicated to:

    Enlarge your Visibility
    Raise Funds
    Develop global business
    Explore extensive partners worldwide
    Build Partnerships
    Make Build-ups & Acquisitions or simply enlarge your business network
    Strengthen your Business relations worldwide
  • Harvard Angels - Vice-Président

    2011 - maintenant HBS Angels is part of a global clubs network comprised of 108 clubs in 49 countries

    HBS Angels Chapters : Atlanta I Austin I Boston I Brazil I Canada I Chicago I China I India I Japan I London I New-york I Northern-California I Paris I Southern-California.
  • Internet Media Telecom Group - CEO (Founder)

    2004 - 2011 8 companies / News magazines (18 titles) / Music streaming & Web radios
    16 million Unique Visitors & 3 million audio connections per month / 90 countries
  • Groupama Gan - CEO Business Units

    Paris 2002 - 2004 Total accounts € 1 billion | Turnover € 500 millions | 1,500 employees

    Board member :

    Groupama SA holding
    Groupama Banque
    GIE SI Group
    Groupama UK Insurance - Président Audit Committee
    Groupama Vie - Vice-President Supervisory board
    Gan Prévoyance
    Gan Italia

  • Groupama-Gan - Group General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

    Paris 1999 - 2003 Total assets € 90,6 billions | Consolidated turnover € 17,4 billions | 39,000 employees

    Member of the Group Executive Committee & Group Strategic Council

    Group Reporting (Strategic Planning - Control / Risks)
    Legal & Finance (Holding & sub-holdings companies governance - Valuations - IPO's - External Reinsurance)
    Partnerships, M&A and Restructuring operations (Acquisition of a € 6 billion Group - Launching of an online bank)
    Human Resources
    Public & Institutional Relations
  • FFSAM - Secretary General

    1999 - 2002 Representation & defense of Insurance & Bank companies interests with France & the EU authorities (AXA / CALYON / ACM / AZUR-GMF / MMA / LA MONDIALE, ROAM...)
  • Groupama-Gan - Director of Institutional Relations

    Paris 1996 - 1999 Director of Public Affairs - France ministerial cabinets and Parliament - UE Parliament & Commission - Agri-Food Professional Organizations

    Director of UNAFIMA - Group Association of 65 training centers (15.000 executives and board members trained per year)
  • Groupama-Gan - Director Strategy Department

    Paris 1989 - 1996 Restructuring of the Group - Creation of the Group holding company & its 4 sub-holdings - Re-articulation of the Group business lines - Merger of the Group's 60 insurance and reinsurance companies into 17 companies - M&A
  • FNSEA-CNJA - CNJA - FNSEA Agri-Food Industries Trade Union

    1986 - 1989 Advisor to the President
    Chief Negociator Officer (Ministerial offices / Parliament & EU Commission)
  • UE - Centre Français de Promotion Industrielle - Auditor

    1985 - 1986 Auditor for investment projects financed by the EIB in the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP)
  • NHP - Patents development - Founder Associate

    1984 - 1985 Patent consulting specialized in advanced technology patents application & competitive patent portfolio analysis to help innovative companies manage their domestic and global corporate intellectual property strategies and goals.


Annuaire des membres :