• Agronomic engineer (from INAPG in 1974, he graduated his MBA at INSEAD, he carried out part of his career in the packaging industry, with responsibilities in marketing and general management positions in medium size companies most often belonging to large industrial groups federating specialized companies.
• Since 2002, he is general director of the French fertilizer association called UNIFA, organization which represents the interest of the companies. UNIFA has now 45 members, from small companies to large international groups, and has a very strong role representing their interests on the national and European scenes.
• He manages a team of 11 people, dealing with technical, agronomic, regulatory environmental and administrative affairs, all subjects linked with fertilizers and lime products for agricultural use. Activities at UNIFA extend progressively to all actors in the fertilizer sector, grouping distributors, blenders and logistics companies.
• Mayor of Vernouillet, 10 000 inhabitants, in the great Paris area, from 2001 to 2005, he developed a policy in favor of suburban agriculture, to help maintain an agricultural production in a semi urban area where the pressure of urbanization is too strong to allow the durability of a diversified, environmental friendly and productive agriculture.
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