

New York

En résumé

With 5 years working experience on Marketing Consulting, Marketing Brand Management and Promotion for the FMCG, I’m use to work in challenging and multicultural environments.
I have 2 citizenships (French and Mexican), with a Singaporean DP. I am use to work in international market. At Nielsen France I worked all over Europe (Spain, France, Holland, Italy, etc…) I am trilingual Spanish, French and English, with good relationship skills.

Mes compétences :
develop the project
daily manufactures analysis
category management
Supply Chain
Supplier management
Promotion budgetary management
Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Office
Manage the Data Sharing project
Macromedia Flash
Develop the On Shelf Availability


  • Nielsen - RDDS Premium Marketing Services Consultant

    New York 2011 - 2014 In charge of a large customers portfolio of leading companies in the Food & Consumers goods sectors involved in Carrefour OSA project

     Analyze client’s results in Carrefour; with Carrefour sale data I provided to my clients out of stock alerts and reports, follow promotion sales and stock levels by store.
     Create Forecast analysis; to evaluate promotional sales, seasonal sales (Christmas, New Year and Easter) and new product launch sales potential.
     Evaluate ROI; promotional and seasonal sales to prepare every year promotional plan.
     Train clients’ teams (Supply Chain, Marketing, and Sales); every 6 months I was in charge of the training session to teach them how to use the Nielsen tools and services for their daily work.
     Provide suitable recommendations for clients; to improve their supply store plan and make growth their market share at Carrefour.
     Assist manufactures marketing and sales department; to optimize their marketing mix (promotional plans, price and store location).
     Manage daily client communications; maintain close contact with clients’ teams.
     Supervise IT Team services; assure the good communication with the client and the correct resolution of clients’ needs.
     Support Clients presentation; providing suitable analysis and presentations about market background, the category situation and specific problems or advantages the product or brand had.

    Develop the On Shelf Availability project in Italy, Spain and Netherlands

     Identify main Out of Stock problems; to propose the best solution on the supply chain (reschedule deliveries, order systems, promotional planning, etc…).
     Analyze OSA Pilot Results; provide an action plan resulting from a range of marketing and commercial adapted studies.
     Introduce Results; to the retailer comity (supply team, marketing/ sales team, buying department).
  • Cadbury - GUM Activation Category

    Paris Cedex 2011 - 2011  Active involvement in Hollywood GUM; working on the 2011 new advertising campaign (measuring market responses, analyzing sales performances and identifying the best publicity channels for the promotion).
     Organize internal events; GUM category launch and the annual sales symposium.
     Manage external launch; design and media suppliers, legal department advisors, and sales force preparation.
     Analyze promotional results; identify the best sales per region and best practices. Estimate the ROI of the promotion and compare to last year.
  • Nestlé - Business Analyst Carrefour International and Marketing Retailer Developer

    Marne La Vallée Cedex 2 2009 - 2010  Create monthly business results; analyze Nestlé sales and market share on Carrefour International (18 countries) by category.
     Identify Nestlé main commercial opportunities; categories and products to promote in Carrefour markets.
     Manage department internal communication; publish sales reports and countries main information.
     Manage international seminars; select and contact Nestlé participants, prepare seminars presentations and schedule. Organize external participants’ presentations and trainings (Singapore GCDT 2010).
     Track performance indicators; creation of countries scorecards by category and evaluate the key performance indicators for the year.
     Manage internal training; in 3 language for all the Nestlé category managers working with Carrefour.
     Manage the Data Sharing project; follow sales data with Nielsen tool and built the next steps of the project.
     Create Best Practice Network; improving the Nestlé sales network between countries and printing the Best Practice book.
     Manage budget; for software supplier and seminars.
     Identify new opportunities; for promotional campaigns in France for each retailer and Nestlé category.
     Analyze performance indicators; to evaluate sales at promotional periods.
     Organize and prepare multi-category Nestlé promotions in France; contact each marketing and sales department by retailer to follow sales commitments by store and real orders delivered.
     Promotion budgetary management; follow the promotional planning and maintain the balance between the budget and the estimate ROI.
     Manage supplier; creation of advertising specifications for the design studio, validate in-store advertising and store prospectus. Validate promotional support with legal department
     Analyze categories promotional results; sales improvement, brand image and customer service levels.
  • Ugo Zaldi - Commercial Exporter (Spain)

    2008 - 2008  Develop international Market; finding new market opportunities, managing sales agents in Spain, improving commercial relations with existing clients.
     Manage company website; create specification for the design studio, evaluate web side flow, select the best design proposition, follow the creation and validate the website.
     Organize the prêt-à-porter salon (SIMM) in Madrid; prepare the collection and contact agents in Spain; managing the showroom and register clients orders.
     Manage Spain export logistics services; register clients’ orders, evaluate stock levels follow delivery and analyze client satisfaction.
     Develop Latin America market; find potential clients and contact them, send samples. Start marketing and sales negotiation; analyze average pricing and positioning of the brand. Manage the delivery.


  • Ipag Business School

    Paris 2007 - 2009 Master
  • ITESM (Tec De Monterrey) (Monterrey)

    Monterrey 2003 - 2005 Marketing
Annuaire des membres :