
Guillaume CHARRON


En résumé

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  • JUMP Informatique - Business Developer - Luxembourg Belgium Switzerland

    2014 - maintenant JUMP is a financial software company addressing the needs of asset management companies, private banks, family offices and insurance companies.

    Our solutions dedicated to the financial industry :
    - JUMP AMS, an integrated and modular Front-to-Back solution meeting fund & discretionary portfolio management criteria and perfectly adapted to the Asset & Wealth Management players’ needs.
    - JUMP Insurance : an integrated and modular Front-to-Back solution covering all the asset management needs of insurance companies, including their regulatory obligations in terms of Solvency II risk assessment and control.

    JUMP was formed in 2006 by very experienced people in the financial markets and in advanced computer technology areas. JUMP came about as the result of its founders' interest in using new technologies to provide asset managers with IT solutions that are simultaneously powerful, modular, flexible and intuitive.

    The teams at JUMP constantly strive for excellence in defining the most technically- and functionally-advanced IT solution for each regulatory, technical and commercial requirement in the industry.

    JUMP can be easily integrated into your existing IT environment and is recognized for quick decision making and high capacity to respond rapidly to client needs.

    Strong roots and a rich history of experience with private, fund management and insurance professionals will enable JUMP to emerge as the European leader by the end of this decade.
  • NEXFI - Sales Manager

    2013 - 2014 NEXFI is an international software editor serving the Buy Side activity of the financial industry:

    - Asset Managers
    - Institutional Investors
    - Insurance Companies
    - Hedge Funds
    - Managed Accounts
    - Private Equity
    - Private Banks
    - Family Offices
    - Wealth Managers

    Nexfi has been serving the professional investment industry for more than 10 years.
    With an installed base of about 20 financial institutions in Europe (France, UK and Spain) more than 300 professionals rely on Nexfi's products and services to manage 300B€ in AUM.

    Nexfi features Tracker PM, a fully integrated and cross-asset Investment Management System to handle the complete trading life cycle from portfolio management and middle-office operations, to risk management, analysis and reporting.
  • Software2Markets France - Business Development Manager – Secteur bancaire / AM

    2009 - 2013 Software2Markets ( www.software2markets.com ) est un cabinet de conseil spécialisé dans l’accompagnement commercial des éditeurs de logiciels métiers et financiers. Grâce notamment à un vaste réseau de contacts et des méthodes éprouvées de vente de logiciels métiers sur de nouveaux marchés, nos services vous permettent d’accélérer la croissance et le développement commercial de votre entreprise.

    Nous couvrons activement les grands marchés d’Europe de l’Ouest (marchés francophones, anglophones, germanophones, etc.) ainsi que les principaux pays émergents situées en Europe de l’Est et en Afrique du Nord (tels que la Russie, la Pologne, la Turquie ou encore le Maroc).

    Notre offre s’articule autour de 4 prestations pré-packagées (Lead Generation, Market Testing, Virtual Subsidiary et conseil Commercial & Marketing) de services à haute valeur ajoutée, pour vous accompagner à toutes les étapes du cycle de vente (prospection, détection et qualification d’opportunités, sélection de partenaires locaux, gestion et coordination des opportunités, négociation commerciale et contractuelle, etc.), avec des livrables et des indicateurs clairs. Nous offrons une garantie de succès à nos clients, grâce à la qualité de nos prestations et à la méthodologie commerciale de S2M.


Annuaire des membres :