From Non Wood Forestry Products to sustainable and Good Collecting Practices, with an inclusive methodology toward rural communities, environment, exporters, industrial and end-user stakeholders, a business is a long story. Everyone plays its role. But the storyboard is almost never achieved.
Passionate about natural ingredients, plant physiology, botany, and sub-Sahara Africa, I have dealt with several projects in the field of natural ingredients for Food & Beverage, Fragrances & Cosmetics, Nutraceutical & Pharmaceutical industries
Watersoluble Gums, Resins for fragrances, Natural Waxes, Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Fats & Oils, those are the product categories related to projects that I carried out in South-East Asia, Middle East and Sub-Sahara Africa.
The next challenge: with a solid existing partnership and clear objectives, a journey from the source to the market, how to enter the value chain in a favorable and sustainable environment where all stakeholders meet and collaborate.
Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Développement Produit Economie Durable
Caractérisation Produits Naturels à bénéfice Santé
Sourcing et Montage filière d'Approvisionnement en
Pas de formation renseignée