I'm a tech entrepreneur, executive, product creator and senior UX/Interaction designer. I devoted the last 13 years to tech startups which I co-founded, holding various executive roles (CEO, CSO, board member). As such, I've got acquainted with every single step of a startup lifecycle. I also greatly contributed to design each and every of my companies' products. In addition to sprouting the concept, I've got intimately involved in all the stages of product development process, from early mockup to product release and subsequent updates.
As I love growing projects from the ground up and nurturing ideas into real products, I keep a penchant for early-stage ventures. Though I started my career on vertical or niche markets, I've become increasingly interested in diving into technology areas with a huge potential social impact including, but not limited to Ed tech, Food techs, Blockchain etc.
Mes compétences :
Développement de partenariats
Design produit
Interaction design
Business development
Direction générale
User experience
User interface design
Veille stratégique
Marketing stratégique
Veille technologique
Pas de formation renseignée