Boulogne-Billancourt Council
- Placement (part-time) as an Urban Planner
2009 - 2010I worked on urban aesthetic and landscape for the new Local Development Framework. I focused in particular on façade rows, gable walls, green spaces, 1% artistic in urban projects, and pollutions. The aim was to develop a commercial signs and urban furniture guidance in order to improve the image of the city. Moreover, I translated the theoretical rationale behind urban aesthetic into political language. Whilst working for a public institution I gained knowledge on a spatial planning strategy at a city-scale.
Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Suresnes Council, Cap Haïtien Council
- Heritage project for the Cap Haitian Council (Haiti)
2009 - 2010As part of the international decentralised cooperation with Suresnes Council (Paris Region), in partnership with the AFD (French Development Agency), and in collaboration with Haitian architecture students; we realised colonial heritage inventory (more than 750 collected) working at a distance as well as on site. During the inventory process, we communicated with the local population and informed the inhabitants regarding the project and its evolution. Back in Paris, we also worked on the possibility of creating a GIS, and we developed concrete actions feasible in the short-term (road and pedestrian scheme, renewal of the market sector).
+ Architecture
- Placement (full-time) as an Urban Planner Consultant in an Architecture Practice
2009 - 2009I developed the theme of water in the city and a method for transforming the canals. I carried a benchmarking process, and made site visits to analyse the context. Moreover, I was in contact with different segments of the population and planned communication events such as the organisation of a neighbourhood lunch along the canal, radio and TV interviews, and article publication. After the diagnosis, I made spatial proposals to improve the canals and the surroundings at short and long-term.
Collège François Couperin
- Education assistant
2008 - 2009I gave extra help in foreign languages (English and Spanish) and Geography. To make these lessons more enjoyable for children already facing difficulties at school, I used music and dance to study languages and some projects I did for my BA and MA degrees to show that practicality of Geography using drawings, mental maps, and models. I gained creativity, teaching skills and experience working with kids.
Oxford Brookes University (London)
London2010 - 2011MA
School of planning - Joint Center for Urban Design