- Scrum Master
2016 - maintenant
Alcatel Lucent
- Software engineer
2015 - 2016
- PhD Student CIFRE
Le Chesnay
2011 - 2014
I prepared an industrial Ph.D with DiverSE Project team at INRIA Rennes France.
Research topics
The topics of interest are mainly focused on three research domains:
- Model-Driven Engineering
- Model-based Testing
- Software Product Lines Engineering
I'm particularly interested in how Software testing techniques and tools can get used to test product lines in particularly in the case of embedded systems.
My research is under the supervision of Benoît Baudry from INRIA and Hélène Le Guen from ALL4TEC R&D.
Ph. D. context
Software product line engineering is an approach that supports developing products in family. These products are described by common and variable features. Currently, the validation activity is disjointed from the product lines development process. The effort and resources provided in the test campaigns for each product can be optimized in the context of product lines. Model-based testing is a technique for automatically generating a suite of test cases from requirements. In our work, we propose an approach to test a software product line with model-based testing. This technique is based on an algorithm that establishes the relationship between the variability model released with OVM and the test model, using traceability of functional requirements present in both formalisms. Our contribution is an algorithm that automatically extracts a product test model. It is illustrated with a real industrial case of automotive dashboards and experimented by an industrial of aeronautic domain in the MBAT European project context with the collaboration of Airbus Defence & Space.
1. Extension du Model-based Testing pour la prise en compte de la variabilité dans les systèmes complexes. Hamza Samih, Hélène Le Guen, Benoit Baudry. 2012. Journées Nationales du GDR Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel.
2. Extension du Model-Based Testing pour la prise en compte de la variabilité dans les systèmes complexes. Hamza Samih, Hélène Le Guen, Benoit Baudry. 2012. Poster presented at Journées Nationales du GDR Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel.
3. Relating Variability Modeling and Model-Based Testing for Software Product Lines Testing. Samih, Hamza. [éd.] Carsten Weise and Brian Nielsen. Aalborg, Danemark : s.n., 2012. Proceedings of the ICTSS 2012 Ph.D. Workshop. ISBN: 1601-0590.
4. An Approach of Combining Model-Based Testing with Product Family Management. Hamza Samih, Ralf Bogusch. Paris : s.n., 2013. User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing.
5. Étendre le test basé sur des modèles d’usage pour prendre en compte la variabilité. Hamza Samih. 3/2014, 2014, Technique et Science Informatiques, Vol. 33, pp. 203-229.
6. Deriving Usage Model Variants for Model-based Testing: An Industrial Case Study. Hamza Samih, Mathieu Acher, Ralf Bogusch, Hélène Le Guen, Benoit Baudry. [éd.] IEEE. Tianjin, Chine : s.n., 2014. 2014 19th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2014).
7. An Approach to Derive Usage Models Variants for Model-based Testing. Hamza Samih, Mathieu Acher, Ralf Bogusch, Hélène Le Guen, Benoit Baudry. 2014. 26th IFIP International Conference on Testing Software and Systems.
8. MPLM: MaTeLo Product Line Manager. Hamza Samih, Ralf Bogusch. Madrid : IEEE, 2014. SPLC.
- Research engineer
2011 - 2015
- Following up actions and performing tasks of the European project MBAT,
- Monitoring and implementation of test models for UC's,
- Test Automation,
- Implementation of interoperability solution (OSLC),
- Design and development of MaTeLo Product Line Manger with java/ Eclipse RCP (Software Product Line Testing),
- Participation in international conferences, workshops, teaching and training,
- MaTeLo Training & presentation,
- Achievement of usage model with MaTeLo tool suite,
- Project Manager Assistant,
- Follow up interns and collaborations with research laboratories,
- Teaching mission at INSA Rennes - course around software testing MaTeLo (January 2013 and January 2014).
Technical context: Eclipse RCP, JAVA, C/C++, MATLAB Simulink, MaTeLo, Papyrus, EAST-ADL, IBM Jazz, DOORS, UML, OSLC, EXAM, PROVEtech, Junit, Selenium, Scilab, XML/XSLT/XSD, EMF, Eclipse Lyo, VB, MySQL, ProGuard, MDE, MBT, features modelling, OVM, MySQL/SQL, SVN.
- Intern
2011 - 2011
- Establishment of a solution to formalize the notion of variants in a Model-Based Testing tool.
- Design and conception of a solution to automatically generate test cases for a Product Line.
Technical context: Eclipse RCP, JAVA, MaTeLo, UML, XML/XSLT/XSD.
Division of Risk and Credit Management Banque Centrale Populaire
- Assistant Project Manager Credit Management
2010 - 2011
- Analysis of functional requirements.
- Design, specification and development of a control solution to rate credit reports company.
- Validation of the solution with the project management and MOA.
- Deployment of the solution within BCP bank.
Technical context: Eclipse, JAVA/J2EE, JSP, Servlet, Struts, AJAX, UML, XML, MySQL, Apache Tomcat, HTML, CSS, PHPmyAdmin.
Division of Risk and Credit Management Banque Centrale Populaire
- Assistant Project Manager Risk Management
2009 - 2010
- Analysis of functional requirements.
- Design, specification and development of an intranet self-assessment of internal control tool at the division of credit and operational.
- Validation of the solution with the project manager, MOA and the head of the risk division.
- Deployment of the solution within BCP bank.
Technical context: Eclipse, JAVA/J2EE, JSP, Servlet, Struts, AJAX, UML, XML, MySQL, Apache Tomcat, HTML, CSS, PHPmyAdmin.
Information Systems Division of the Banque Populaire
- Analyst and Java developer
2009 - 2009
- Analysis of new specifications.
- Readjustment And improvement of the existing tool.
- Development of a tool for information requests and generic conversion (JAVA, data Warehouse).