

En résumé

Mes compétences :
Personnel Management
Human Resource Management
Manage well site
RAMS > Risk Assessment
Hazardous Materials
Well Testing
Currently occupying line management
SMART drving training
aquired sharp proffessional skills
journey management
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Visual Pascal
IT Security
Data Processing


  • Job Delivery Lead - Projects Coordinator

    2018 - maintenant Schlumberger
  • SCHLUMBERGER - Engineer in Charge

    Paris 2015 - 2017 Hassi Messaoud, Ouargla-Algeria (6 weeks On x 3 weeks off rotation)
    As Engineer In Charge my primary responsibilities included delivering safe and high quality MS office products (MS Word, Excel,
    service to the client, and support the Field Engineers/Technicians within their operating duties PowerPoint)
    on locations and on oilfields/wellsites.
    Basic computer Coding / programing
    Expertise and responsibilities acquired: Support of Field Operations/Processes, Budget and (Java, Visual Pascal, C++)
    Personnel Management with respect of QHSE policies. Simulation and design software
    Main Clients: IOCs (International Oil Companies): REPSOL, BP, TOUATGAZ (Total), (AUTOCAD, Sketchup, PipeSIM)
    Webbased business systems
  • SCHLUMBERGER - Welltesting Field Engineer

    Paris 2013 - 2015 Communication & reporting
    Malongo/Cabinda - Angola (4 weeks on x 4 weeks off Rotation) Monthly and weekly operation reports.
    Main responsibilities and duties included: Elaboration and Presentation of Buget
    - Perform the testing services and continues to improve the quality of results in the most
    difficult environments CRM and HR management.
    - Manage well site operations to insure delivery of quality service, and compliance with
    environmental and safety requirements
    - Analyze tool failures and makes decisions to send for replacements or use alternative QHSE
    techniques. Documents and reports failures and recommends action to prevent recurrence
    - Inform clients of any unusual conditions during the job and maintains direct contact with Hazard and Risk Assessment
    client's representative throughout running of service (HARC/HAZOP..)
    - Maintain client relations by establishing a positive image and confidence in the quality of
    services and maintains the confidentiality of all logging services. Strengthens client relations Defensive/SMAART driving skills
    through frequent client contacts, sells Company services, and participates in Company sales Experience of Investigation on HSE and
    programs quality incidents
    - Successfully complete required safety training (including but not limited to drugs and
    alcohol, electrical, emergency response, fire, first aid, health and hygiene, PPE, SIPP, risk Trained as Radiation safety officer (RSO)
    reporting, IT security, hazardous materials, driving) Trained to handle hydrostatic pressure
    and perform safely intergrity test of
    pressure equipment vessels.

    I was also involveded to other duties, according to the current business need of the location or
  • SCHLUMBERGER - Welltesting Field Engineer

    Paris 2006 - 2013 (40 hrs/weeks schdule)
    Oilfield Engineer, as Welltesting supervisor, Assist the client with the optimization, production,
    testing, which includes fluid sampling and analysis of a well or reservoir by applying a variety of
    methods and technologies.

    Roles and Responsibilities included design, preparation and execution of well test operation of
    oil and gas well for oil companies.

    Main Client : ENI, BG, OMV
    Expertise : Rig up and rig down of welltesting equipment. Equipment integrity tests and
    conformity certification. Well Fluid analysis. Surface and downhole Data processing and
    reporting. HSE awareness and reporting. Risk assessment and control.


  • Ecole Nationale D'Ingénieurs De Monastir (Monastor)

    Monastor 2003 - 2006 Energy Engineer Diploma

    Energy Engineering Studies. including: Thermodynamic processes, Combustions, Air
    conditionning, Renewable Energies, Mechanic of fluids, Hydraulic systems, Nuclear energy.
    PFE: Raffraichissement par Dessication Solaire (Solar Dessicant cooling)
  • Lycee Moulay Youssef College (Rabat)

    Rabat 2001 - 2003 MPSI

    Classes préparatoires aux concours d'entrée aux grandes écoles
    MPSI cycle: Mathematiques, Physique et Science de l'ingenieur.


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Annuaire des membres :