After a first experience in virology at the Institut Cochin, I have joined the lab of Prof. Michael Malim in November 2010. One of the main projects I have been working on with another post-doctoral research associate of the lab concerns the characterisation of the host cell response to HIV-1 infection. We have studied gene expression changes of CD4+ T cells following HIV-1 infection and are currently working on the final stages of this project (Goujon*, Bauby* et al., manuscript in preparation). We have shown that hundreds of genes are regulated upon HIV-1 infection, using laboratory-adapted strains (e.g. IIIB) as well as primary isolates (e.g. Ba-L) or transmitted/founder viruses.
I am also involved in the characterisation of gene expression changes in CD4+ T cells from HIV-1-infected patients stratified according to their viral load. Again, numerous genes are regulated with a lot of genes common to both transcriptomics studies.
I have also participated in the analysis of the potential role of APOBEC3 proteins of the infected cell on the editing of HIV-1 reverse transripts (Koning*, Goujon*, Bauby* and Malim, 2011).
Mes compétences :
Biologie moléculaire
Biologie cellulaire
Gestion de projet
Arabidopsis thaliana
Molecular virology
Cellular biology
Molecular biology
Scientific communication