


En résumé

Sociologue de formation, je crois encore aux valeurs humaines... Je crois fondamentalement que l’être humain est et demeurera un animal social... De ce fait, il importe de sauvegarder la bonne santé physique morale et psychique de ce terreau qui le féconde, le porte et le façonne... Mon incessante question est de savoir quel est l'état de santé de la société dans laquelle nous vivons ? Quel est mon engagement quotidien pour qu'elle ait un visage plus humain, plus juste.... plus épanoui ?

Mes compétences :
Gestion administrative
Community management
Gestion des conflits
Conseil en communication
Traduction anglais français
Gestion de projet
Recherche scientifique
Planification stratégique
Evènementiel et logistique
Stratégie de communication
Analyse stratégique
Report writing
Maintained close liaison
Financial management
Conflict resolution
Administrative and financial management
System Strategy
Resource Management
Programme Management
Ombudsman experience
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Human resources management/ Training
Human resources management
Had experience
Data processing
Capacity Development


  • UN Integrated Office - Coordinator

    2013 - 2014 Coordinator of UN Integrated Office of Toulepleu (
    Duties and responsibilities
    * Established and maintained close liaison and communication with government official present
    in the area including Prefects, Sous-prefects, Mayors, military officials and local authorities, UN
    Agencies, International Organizations, NGOs, UNOCI Military and Police components and
    counterparts as well as coordinated interaction with all stakeholders (including Funds and
    * Organized coordination meeting twice a week to exchange information and ensure synergies
    in routine and ad-hoc actions in order to discuss issues related to integrated programming,
    implementation of field office actions plans, review daily work objectives, discuss strategies on
    outstanding issues, and ensuring coordination, consistency and effective flow of information
    * Harmonized established coordination mechanisms for more effectiveness.
    * Coordinated field action plans in line with UN strategic priorities
    * Coordinated, monitored and analyzed program development and implementation; revision of
    relevant document and reports; identified problems and issues to be addressed and initiated
    corrective actions, liaison with relevant parties; follow up actions.
    * Acting as UN Field Office liaison with the Regional Office and UN Headquarters.
    * Insured that Security Officer implements all security practices and measures in line with
    existing UNOCI guidelines and Protocol.

    * Chaired Area Security Meetings / Established a consultative security mechanism referred to as
    the Area Security Management Team with selected staff of UN Agencies and UNOCI
    * In charge of the welfare of the Staff Members.

    * More than 40 Staff Members are daily coordinated and managed. ;
    * Coordinated UNOCI Support to local Forces (FRCI & Gendarmerie) in the RAID organized in the
    Area of Tiobli (16km from Toulepleu Axis Border of Liberia) in surrounding forest (Bohombli,
    Bazobli, Gueyede) in the night of Saturday 08 March 2014 from 22:20 hours to Sunday 09
  • UNOCI - Team member

    2011 - 2011 * Established an information network with ex combatants in Cote d'Ivoire and Liberia.

    * Assisted the Security Council Groups of Experts on Cote d'Ivoire and Liberia (conflict reconstitution,
    cross border issues, combatants and mercenaries movements).

    * Conducted more than 15 DDR operations: collection/voluntary deposit of weapons and
    ammunition in collaboration with UNOCI/Local Forces (Duékoué, Abidjan and Yamoussoukro).

    * Participated to the elaboration, implementation and followed up and monitoring of QUIPs
    and CVR projects.

    * Implemented of more than 40 sensitization activities on DDR/Community Violence Reduction
    (CVR), reconciliation/social cohesion, recovery process in AOR.

    * Drafting: i) National policy on DDR and other concept notes as team member (including
    elaboration of eligibility criteria of Ex Combatants); ii) participation to the elaboration of the
    Concept Note on CVR; iii) mission reports.
  • UNOCI DDR - Officer & Chief of Regional Office

    2011 - 2014 UNOCI DDR Officer, Chief of Regional Office of Toulepleu (
    Duties and responsibilities

    * In charge of design, implementation, follow up and monitoring of DDR operational plans in
    the area of responsibility according to the ToR, as well as administrative and logistic issues.

    * Followed up political and military context in relation with DDR process.

    * Established good relationship with local authorities and agencies (Prefect, Sub-prefects, FRCI,
    Gendarmerie and Police, Traditional/Religious Authorities) as well as with other mission
    components in order to improve the security environment.

    * Monitored security issues and cross border activities.

    * In charge of the mapping of DDR clients; collect data for the implementation of joint cross
    border activities.

    * Reporting: draft daily, weekly and special reports.

    * Prepared/organized high-level field visits in AOR.

    * In collaboration with the National Partner in charge of DDR (ADDR) more 591 ex combatants were
    reintegrated to their original communities through various reintegration projects for 2013 and another
    150 in the process.

    * Facilitated, coordinated and followed up of 4 Community Reintegration Projects (PRC) initiated and
    financed by DDR/ONUCI in 2 departments (Toulepleu and Blolequin)

    * Conducted more than 30 field visits in AOR on security assessment, conditions of returnees
    and social cohesion.

    * Participated as member of delegation to the Joint Technical Assessment Mission (JTAM) in Liberia from
  • UNOCI - Electoral Advisor

    2006 - 2011 Duties and responsibilities

    * In charge of the Department of Odienne -200 Polling stations out of 280 for the whole Region.

    * Planning, administrative/financial management, logistics, Sensitization/ training, reporting,
    follow up and monitoring of political progress.

    * Voters' identification/enlisting.


    * Followed up the first and second round of presidential election in Cote d'Ivoire 31 October & 28
    November 2010 (distributed non sensitive and sensitive material, coordinated the repatriation of
    voting ballot s and timely compilation of voting results).

    * Followed up the Public Hearings.

    * Participated to the distribution of Provisional Voters List and monitoring of conflict resolution

    * DDR Focal point: 2 weapons collection operations from Dozo and FAFN.

    * Participated to the launching of 1000 micro-projects.

    * Participated to cross border conflict management team (between farmers and cows'
  • ONUCI - Chargée de désarmement démobilisation et réinsertion

    2006 - 2014
  • Ministry of Education - Technical Advisor

    2005 - 2006 (Ministère de l'Enseignement Technique et de la Formation Professionelle, METFP), Benin.

    * In charge of management and mediation of conflicts.

    * Monitored and followed up of the activities of the Trade Unions.

    * Implemented conflict prevention and social cohesion promotion activities.

    * Elaborated, implemented and followed up of social micro-projects.

    * Organized meetings, including inter-minister meetings, assessment field visits and reporting.
  • Ministère chargé Relations Institutions/Civil Society - Principal Assistant

    2004 - 2004 : Meeting with Beninese living in Italy in the framework of the registration of Benin people
    living overseas in order to elaborate the electoral permanent list (LEPI), Italy.
  • Ministère chargé Relations Institutions/Civil Society - Principal Assistant

    2004 - 2005 Principal Assistant of the Ministry in charge of the Relations with Institutions,
    of Beninese living Overseas (Ministre Chargé des Relations avec les Institutions, la Société Civile
    et les Béninois de l`Extérieur - MCRI-SCBE)

    Duties and responsibilities

    * Planning, administrative and financial management, logistics

    * Reporting, monitoring/follow up, secretariat duties

    * Human resources management/ Training


    * Setting up of efficient follow up of secretarial/administrative procedures
  • Ministère Relations Institutions/Civil Society - Assistant Principal

    2004 - 2004 : Mission to Denmark to be exposed to the activities and experience of the Ombudsman
    and to focus on the elaboration of electoral permanent list and the organization of elections
  • Friedrich Ebert Foundation - Senior Administrative/Management Assistant

    2003 - 2003 Other experience * Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Cotonou, May - June 2000, February - March 2001, 28 Avril-05 September
    2003 ; International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI/IITA), Cotonou, October- November 1997;
  • Friedrich Ebert Foundation - Senior Administrative/Management Assistant

    2001 - 2001 Other experience * Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Cotonou, May - June 2000, February - March 2001 , 28 Avril-05 September
    2003; International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI/IITA), Cotonou, October- November 1997;
  • Friedrich Ebert Foundation - Consultant

    2000 - 2000 * Organized, coordinated and followed up/monitored of official audiences of the Director of
    Africa Department of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
  • Private Consultancy Firm - Director

    1999 - 2006 Offered services in the fields of:

    * Organization of national, sub-regional, regional and international bilingual conferences,
    workshops and seminars.

    * Researches, studies and surveys in education and sociology.

    * Diagnostic studies and reorganisation of enterprises, companies and offices.

    * Human resources management.

    * Permanent secretariat of the "Forum des ONG Internationales au Bénin (FONGIB)''.
  • Friedrich Ebert Foundation - Senior Administrative/Management Assistant

    1997 - 1997 Other experience * Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Cotonou, May - June 2000, February - March 2001, 28 Avril-05 September
    2003; International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI/IITA), Cotonou,
  • International Plant Genetic Resources Institute - Bilingual Consultant

    1996 - 2003 Freelance Bilingual Consultant (French/English),
    * Offered services in management, bilingual secretariat coverage: registration, booking, working
    documents, translation/interpretation and other related duties of national, sub regional, regional and
    international conferences, workshops and seminars.

    * Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

    * UNDP/ACCT/Agence Intergouvernementale de la Francophonie

    * International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI/IITA)

    * United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

    * African Commission of Human and Peoples' Rights (6 ordinary sessions 2000 -2003, Cotonou, Tripoli,
    Pretoria, Banjul)

    * Government of Benin
  • Brilliant Stars International School - Teacher

    1994 - 2000 Teacher, Private English Schools ``Brilliant Stars International School'' & ``The Early Learners''
  • PASI/PNUD/ONUDI/BEN - Senior Administrative Manager

    1993 - 1994 PNUD/ONUDI/BEN/90/004-Appui au Secteur Industriel (PASI)'', Cotonou,
  • Cabinet of Accountant Expertise - Individual and Group Counsellor

    1992 - 1992 "BENAUDIT-CONSULTEX", Cotonou, ``Relation d'aide/ Accompagnement individuel et de groupe'',
  • PRH - Group management

    VANDOEUVRE 1992 - 1992 Accompagnement psychologique
    Relation d'aide
  • Communauté NDA - Group management

    1977 - 1990 Formation de plus 300 jeunes aux questions d'hygiène sanitaire, de la gestion de la sexualité/fécondité et des relations garçons/filles


  • Institut Pontifical Jean-Paul II (Cotonou)

    Cotonou 2004 - 2005 Master en Sciences de l'Education

    (Research for presentation of end of courses' paper is ongoing).
  • Université Nationale Du Bénin (Abomey-Calavi)

    Abomey-Calavi 1997 - 1998 Maitrise en Sociologie-Anthropologie
  • Cyrus Conseils (Cotonou)

    Cotonou 1992 - 1993 BAC G1

    * ``Mariage coutumier: Terre d'accueil du mariage chrétien (à partir des cultures Fon et Nago du Bénin)'' -
    Paper of Master in Sciences of Education, of mariage and family.
    * ``Couples en péril: Etude sociologique sur les conflits conjugaux (à partir des Us et coutumes du Bénin''
    - Paper for Master in Sociology of Education.
    * ``Etude documentaire sur le


Annuaire des membres :