Counterpart International
- Directeur de projet
2015 - maintenant
Direction d'un projet de 17M$ financé par USAID, qui vise à renforcer la capacité de la société civile marocaine à influencer, suivre et évaluer les politiques publiques. 40 subventions à débourser pendant la durée du projet.
Management Systems International
- Directeur de projet (chief of party)
2011 - 2014
• Création et supervision d’un projet de soutien à la société civile et aux médias sociaux, financé par le gouvernement américain. Mise en place RH, finances, administration, stratégie. Garant qualité, délais, budget, relation avec le client. 3,6M$ de subventions à 43 acteurs de la société civile et entrepreneurs sociaux. Organisation en 2013 de la plus importante compétition d’entreprenariat social du Moyen-Orient.
• Mise en place et supervision d’un projet d’assistance technique aux municipalités pour renforcer la gouvernance locale et encourager l’implication des citoyens dans la vie municipale. 93% des municipalités ont augmenté leurs compétences. Projet noté exceptionnel (3 critères / 6) et très bon (3 critères / 6) par le client.
Management System International
- Directeur de projet (chief of party)
2009 - 2011
En République Démocratique du Congo :
• Direction d’un projet : stabilisation communautaire, résolution de conflit et relance économique financé par le gouvernement américain.
• Mise en place des systèmes : RH, finances, administration, programmes. Garant qualité, délais, budget.
• Formation et soutien : appui aux politiques publiques. 52 subventions communautaires et 7 subventions à des partenaires locaux menées à bien.
• Projet noté exceptionnel (6 critères / 8) et très bon (2 critères / 8) par le client.
International Rescue Committee
- Deputy Regional Director Middle East
2008 - 2009
develop and implement programme strategy at regional and country level, ensure programme quality, advise, support and supervise country teams on all programme-related matters. This is a start-up position, as IRC became operational in the Middle East in 2007.
Launched operations in Syria. Established self-sufficiency of Iraq operations.
International Rescue Committee
- Director
2006 - 2008
liaison and advocacy with EU institutions, coordination with Brussels-based NGOs, development of IRC as a Belgian NGO.
Secured first-ever funding from Belgian Cooperation and Belgian Foundations.
International Rescue Committee
- Country Director
2001 - 2005
Country Director in Indonesia and Guinea.
Overall supervision and strategic direction for country programme, team management, representation with authorities, programme development, fund-raising.
In Indonesia: set-up and management of CARDI, a consortium between 4 NGOs. Expansion of programmes and of funding base (budget x 7).
In Guinea: programme reorientation from refugee camps to Guinean rural and semi-rural society.
Oxfam GB
- Country Programme Manager
2000 - 2001
overall coordination and representation; aligned the country strategy along Oxfam’s recently introduced Strategic Change Objectives
- Project Director
1999 - 2000
Overall supervision of all projects conducted in LTTE-controlled part of northern Sri Lanka.
Successfully delivered programmes through local partners and built local capacities in a highly sensitive rebel-held zone; ensured programme security; introduced impact assessment and Do No Harm methods
Oxfam GB
- Programme Coordinator
1998 - 1998
Overall supervision of an environmental health project. Ensured overall negotiation and coordination with the Algerian and Sahrawi authorities and opened the first NGO office in Tindouf.
Pharmaciens Sans Frontières
- Head of Mission
1996 - 1997
Overall supervision of country programme, team management, fund-raising and strategic direction.
Organised programme expansion with the opening of two new offices, both in the areas controlled by the opposition and by the Taliban; delivered a trouble-free operation in a highly insecure environment.
- Head of Mission
1995 - 1996
Overall supervision of country programme, team management, fund-raising and strategic direction.
Oversaw the then biggest NGO programme in northern Iraq, ensured equitable food distribution to all health and education staff in all three governorates; standardised all administrative and financial procedures.
- Contracts and Finance Director
1991 - 1995
EMDG: a joint venture between Aérospatiale, Deutsche Aerospace (both have now merged into EADS) and British Aerospace. Activities: engineering, management, marketing of development programmes LR and MR TRIGAT.
Staff = 40; annual turnover = EUR1950 mio.
Supervision and coordination of a team of 10, in charge of: commercial, contractual and legal activities; finance (accounts, cash management, relations with banks and auditors) and budget control; renovation of the IT system.
Main achievement: re-negotiation of the revised development contract for LR-TRIGAT: an envelope of FRF 6 billions over 8 years.
Aérospatiale (maintenant Airbus Defence)
- Contracts Officer
1986 - 1991
Writing and negotiating commercial proposals, follow-up of international cooperation contracts and technology transfer agreements.
Main achievement: pricing of proposals and leading of negotiation team of LR and MR TRIGAT contracts, for an overall amount of FRF 4.5 billions over 8 years to Aérospatiale.