My name is Hiba Abidi, I’m 22 years old, and I’m from Tunisia. I’m currently having a three years Grands Ecoles Finance master at Edhec Nice that will lead to an Msc in Financial Markets. I had previously a license in business administration at the Mediterranean School of Business in Tunis. During my 3 years of license I had a lot of exchange programs. I went for six months to the ABS Paris and I participated in a summer workshop for entrepreneurship in Babson College Boston. Concerning the extracurricular activities, i would say that i was an active student in my university since i was a permanent member of the debate club, i participated in multiple debates. With my team, we made it to the semi-finals in the young Arab voices competition organized by British Council last year and we got the second place in the USA youth debates. I was also part of the events club of my University, the aim of this club is to organize conferences and cultural events: for example last year our university held the TedX event for collective intelligence, besides we participated in the organization of multiple projects such as (Global business School Return 10th anniversary). i'm also a writer in the economic as well as fashion section of my university’s website and blog. I also participated for two weeks in the 16th international summer school in Berlin where i assisted to different kind of political as well as economic conferences held by very influencing people such as Tariq Ramadan. Also, i recently participated in the TIM UN: Tunisian International Model of the United Nations, it was a very exciting and enriching leadership experience where i got to meet and mingle with people from different cultures and backgrounds.
Mes compétences :
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Corporate Risk
Investment Banking
Visual Basic for Applications
Tax Law
Risk Analysis
Money Markets
Fixed Income