Experienced auditor with an interesting experience as Financial Controller within an automotive supplier company, wishing to pursue a career in a company recognized for its economic and mercantile importance, offering good opportunities as far as career and interesting prospects for evolution are concerned.
Profile: Male, 39, single
Current Location: 3, Rue 7052 Cité Essalem El Menzah 4 – 1004 - Tunis
Mobile: + 216 26 49 49 50 / + 216 22 32 36 26
Current Position: CFO Tunisia & Libya
Company: sanofi-aventis.
Salary expectation: Not specified / negotiable.
Apr 2009 - date : sanofi-aventis; Tunis
CFO Tunisia & Libya
Feb 2006 – Mar 2009: COFIGEST; Tunis
Senior Manager, corporate finance
The main dossier I have been in charge is the SOFOMECA cast iron foundry activity acquired by GERVASONI SpA (Italy):
- Due diligence and constitution
- Attached till August 2008 to “GERVASONI SA - Tunisian branch as Financial Controller, I was responsible for:
Organizing the new firm, setting up of the different departments; establishing business plan, financial restructuring, controlling investment expenditure (8 M€ of new investments), tax assistance, setting up of a reporting system, procedures, personnel restructuring …
My main achievements in this function include:
- Order to pay tax arrears on VAT of 0,300 MTND except penalties, brought back to 0,012 MTND
- Local medium-term financing of 5,1 MTND on mortgage (two banks), from which 1,7MTND is being converted from short to medium-term.
- Redundancy of 25 people (15 years average seniority) for 0,450 MTND.
And now financial consultant is the function I am assuming within COFIGEST.
Jun 2005 – Jan 2006: Management Consultant and Financial Auditor – freelance; Tunis
As Financial Auditor main missions accomplished: Valeo VSDS Ben Arous and Tunisian Arab Bank (TIB)
Jul 2002 – May 2005: Valeo Embrayages – Valeo Group; Tunis
Financial Controller
Member of management committee, my main responsibilities and tasks:
• Annual budget building.
• Assurance of reporting information reliability: financial and physical indicators, forecasts (3 months), budgetary control.
• Cash management, Working Capital optimization.
• Supervising control management and instrument panels improvement: comparison of monthly results vs standards and budgets; cost production calculation (standard costs), production, headcount efficiency, raw material rates, overheads, …
• Feasibility and profitability studies for new projects, cash-flow, pay back, business plan …
• Assurance of Group procedures (MAF) respect.
• Participation in strategic decisions of the division (Management committee).
• Employee supervision.
Cost control and cash management policy pursued, during the two first years of my exercise, enabled us to provide for Tunisian Division stocks capital of 3 M€ required by the Group to give its agreement for a new RENAULT project.
I was member of the steering committee of the new project (4 M€) in charge of: feasibility studies, “Mise à Niveau” subsidies, investment expenditures supervision...
Oct 2000 – Jun 2002: Deloitte & Touches; Tunis
I’ve got the responsibility of a part of the audit department clients including:
Japan Tobacco Industry-JTI (US GAAP), Nabisco Tunisia, United Biscuits-UB, Banque Tuniso-Koweïtienne de développement-BTKD, Arab International Lease-AIL, Tuninvest SICAR, Tuninvest SICAR Ltd, Microsoft Tunisia (US GAAP), Compagnie d’Assurance et de Réassurance Tuniso-Européenne-CARTE, Banque d’Affaires de Tunisie-BAT, …
Dec 1999 – Sep 2000: KPMG; Tunis
Senior auditor
Merger & Acquisition:Due Diligence of Banque Nationale de Développement Touristique-BNDT, Société Tunisienne de Banques-STB and Banque de Développement Economique de Tunisie-BDET merger.
Mes compétences :
Pas de formation renseignée