French company based in Rhône Alpes, Chemica exports heat transfer solutions over 75 countries in the world. A member of the Flexdev Group, Chemica has also two subsidaries in Hong-Kong and USA in order to reach all the players on the textile customization market.
With an expertise of more than 30 years, and a double digit growth rate, Chemica has become a key element in textile customization equation, thanks to its committed employees and prestigious customers.
Working in sales is not only a "goods vs money" operation... it is way bigger than this. Identifying your customers' needs, having a good relationship with them and making them loyal to the brand, are all pieces of the puzzle that can make of you a winner. It's all about the customer, as Sam Walton said : "There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else."
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