
Imad Eddine AITEUR


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Machines électriques
Microsoft Excel
Electronique de puissance
Gestion de projet
Recherche scientifique
Energies renouvelables
Recherche Opérationnelle et Commande Optimale
Commande et Analyse des Systèmes Dynamiques


  • Saint-gobain - R&D Engineer

    Courbevoie 2017 - maintenant - Industrialization of productivity measurement tools
    - Conception and validation of products quality sensors
    - Industry 4.0 activities
  • CentraleSupelec - Research engineer

    2013 - 2016 The three years works focuses on modeling, control and optimization of a multisources energy network applied to electric vehicle traction systems. These works aims to investigate the control approaches to treat the issue of energy management of multi-source electrical networks. The considered electric motor supply system consists on a fuel cell as a main energy source and an additional element that supplies peak power and charges by regenerative braking. During three years, these different works have been realized :
    - Design and application of diferent energy management strategies to the sypply system aiming to minimize the fuel cell hydrogen mass consumption.
    - Design of decentralized control strategy to assure an optimal operation of the sources and to control the converter currents and network output voltage.
    - Regulation of the fuel cell system and the control of the state of energy of the secondary storage element using predictive control strategy
    - Design of control loops for fuel cell/supercapacitor currents and a DC bus voltage control.


  • Paris Sud 11

    Orsay 2012 - 2013 Master's degree
  • Ecole Nationale Polytechnique (ENP) (Alger)

    Alger 2007 - 2012 Engineer's degree

    Engineer's degree in control system
Annuaire des membres :