Imad Khalfi is a serial entrepreneur and seed startup investor.
He's a Partner Manager EDS (Event Digital Solutions), the specialist in virtual events, e-learning platforms, 3D COMPOSITING, and real time 3D apps . EDS a leading platform for virtual corporate communications and specialized web development based in Geneva.
He has managed tech team with a strong enterprise focus and has real-life experience on the challenges of scaling up high-growth startups.
Imad Khalfi a MSc Degree in Computer science from the EPFL.
Specialties: planning, usability, management, negotiation, branding, business development, startup mentoring, investing, IT development, mentoring, business model, negotiation, virtual events, real time 3D apps, e-learning platforms, digital marketing
Mes compétences :
Stratégie digitale
Planification de projet
Virtual event
Business development
Développement informatique
Conseil IT
Programmation informatique
Agile Development
Evénementiels et salons
Rich Internet application
Web 2.0