


En résumé

HOLDING INHUSOL Group is now the major player in Europe (and other continents) in the commercial development HUAWEI - (Photovoltaic and Wind Power Inverters - Only Inverters for HUAWEI.
Several subsidiaries in Europe, North Africa, Australia, U.S., Canada, Israel and other countries: Ukraine, Russia ..
INHUSOL ENERGY representing Subsidiaries of Eastern Europe.

We are oriented primarily to support large groups and key accounts (We establish safe routes for all our partners face the ever-changing state and in tariffs)
- Permanent stock of more than 6 MWp / week
- Security facing the problem of destocking and shortfall in Groups
- Reactivity of delays supply
- Co-side evelopment with HUAWEI for the provision of marketing tools of all partners in Europe and other continents
- Comprehensive Training in Europe initiated by HUAWEI
- Design Manufacturer Warranty for Major Projects
- Quote of the lowest tariff on the market
- Flexibility and overall escort (through leading manufacturers and distributors modules in the world - > Direct Linking)

GREEN POWER TECHNOLOGIE is considered a "bridge" of HUAWEI on several continents.

- Distributors (Main players Europeans and Americans)
- Installers (Sup. to 5 MWp / year)
- Companies of engineering
- Private Investors ...

We offer optimal guarantees "more insurance" includes:
- After sales service included in our offers
- A personalized follow up
- A swap of our inverters within 48 hours/72 h. in case of failure
- A refund "production loss" if they were not replaced within 48/72 hours.

The first choice of brand products HUAWEI, we have done it for you, in a rapidly changing market.
- 0 Risk
- 0 Stock
- 0 debt, ...

Presence on all continents via INHUSOL Holding (Européan Inverters, Inhusol Energy, Green Power Technologie,...)

Fourniture des onduleurs HUAWEI en Europe,auprès
- des distributeurs
- des Installteurs > 1 Mwc to 40 Mwc
- Sociétés d'ingénieries
- Investisseurs privés
- Coopérative

Green Power Technologie, SAS - FRANCE
Fax : +33 (0 ) 2 43 91 21 34
direct line : + 33 (0 ) 2 43 91 21 33
PA La Gravelle Sud- Zone Ecoparc
53410 La Gravelle

Sales Management EUROPE
Fance : +33 2 43 91 49 80
Roumania : Inhusol Energy, srl / Green Power Technologie : 0040 747 548 354
Poland : Inhusol Energy / Green Power Technologie :
Greece : Inhusol Energy / Green Power Technologie :
Australia : Inhusol Energy / Green Power Technologie : +61 450 977 170

Email :
france@greenpower-technologie.com (Global Sales)
north.europe@greenpoower-technologie.com (North Europe)
South.Europe@greenpower-technologie.com (South Europe)

Global partner : contact@greenpower-technologie.com (Global Administration)

Financial and Administration Manager : Miss GENCARELLI

Company :
direction@greenpower-technologie.com (M. SOURDRILLE Arnaud)
direction@european-inverters.com (M. SOURDRILLE Arnaud)

Languages spoken :
French / English / German / Italian / Spanish /
Portuguese / Russian/Roumanian/Polish/Greek

Siteweb :

Mes compétences :
MBA institute
Licence STAPS
Deug de psychologie


  • Green Power Technologie - Président Directeur Général/CEO-CHAIRMAN

    LA GRAVELLE 2009 - maintenant Apporter à nos clients un service optimal et diminuer les couts d'achats en créant un réseau attractif et efficace
    Développer les hommes au sein des Entreprises
    Créer de la richesse Humaine et économique.

    Aider et soutenir la filière du Photovoltaique en France et en Europe

    Mission :
    Communication, transmission,
  • WYETH - Business Area Manager

    2005 - 2009 Business Area Manager Hosipital - Anti TNF
  • Procter & Gamble - BDM

    Asnières-sur-Seine 1998 - 2003 Pluridisciplinaires...


Annuaire des membres :