Brief CV
• Mr. NIYONSENGA Innocent
Telephone : +250788316658 / +250788612691/ +250728612691 --- Email :
• Field to apply for “ Financial Analyst, Consultant., Insurance, Audit, Research”
: - Master’s Degree in Finance: 2003. - Bachelor’s Degree in Management: 2001
-Professional Diploma in Insurance by “INSTITUT AFRICAIN DES ASSURANCES A TUNIS” (IAA) 2002.
-Certificate in Auditing and Risk Management by GARRY WHITEKNIGHT Accountants, Kigali, 2007.
-CPA Course - Part I / KASNEB – Kenya (Through IPB Center)
- Certificate of proficiency in insurance by CBE (“SFB”) / U.R: Kigali, Sept. – Nov. 2013.
- Trainings with Certificates of Audit, and Enterprise Risk Management by ICPAR – Rwanda
1. Current Occupation : Consultant in “BUCOM” Ltd:, Manager (Co-founder): 5 members
*Domain: Accounting; Financial statements review; Auditing; Tax and Insurance advisory; Budget management
and business plan advisory, Office and Accounting software training.
*Key clients: NGOs; Co-operatives, Private Businessmen
- Research in Financing SMEs - Agri-business field - in Rwanda: For International publications (with ESJ : European
Scientific Journal) - International Researcher
2. Recent employment:
CORAR-AG Ltd : Insurance Company
a) “Risk Manager : 2013 - 2015 / b) “Ag. Technical Director (TD)”: 2013 -2014
Main tasks / RM : -Identification , Analysis and assessment of risks to the Company and report
Main tasks / Ag.TD: -Co-ordination of operational Services (Motor, Miscellaneous Risks, Reinsurance and Claims
3. Previous employment
SONARWA Ltd Insurance Co.
1. Claims Officer: (2001 – 2003)
Main tasks: -Claims management and propose payments
2. HoD. Research, Statistics and Development: 2002 - 2004
Main tasks:
-Conduct and insure needed research in different areas for innovation in the Company; R&Dvpt and statistics
3. Chief Finance Analyst : 2004 - 2009
Main tasks: (Financial and investment Analysis)
- Follow-up all financial analysis, financial statement and investment issue and report
4. Senior Internal Auditor: 2009 – 2012
Main tasks: - Conducting all needed technical and financial audits mission for the Company; policies and
procedure manual follow-up
2. Other Academic and teaching related experience
a) Part time Lecturer at KIST (Faculty of Management): 2003 - 2005
Courses taught: - Portfolio management, - Financial Institutions and Markets - Quantitative techniques
b) Part time Lecturer at IPB (Institut Polytechnique de Byumba): Jan. 2011 - Dec 2012
Courses taught: -Auditing and assurance - Cost accounting - Financial analysis - Investment and portfolio management
Research Subjects:
1. “Memoire” and thesis
November, 2001: -La gestion des investissements dans les institutions financières non bancaires au Rwanda, cas
de la SONARWA sa, ULK, 2001
June, 2003: - Les risques financiers des compagnies d’assurance tunisiennes – Déterminants et
Evaluation, IHET, 2003
2. Written Articles / Publications:
- The financial contribution of insurance industry in the Rwandan economy: 2005-2010, unpublished, Kigali, July 2011.
- L’industrie d’assurance et son rôle d’intermédiation financière dans le développement économique, cas du Rwanda :
Evaluation de 2008 - 2012, E.S.J, Vol. 9, NO 25, Sept 2013 ( )
1. Kinyarwanda : Mother tongue
2. English : Very good communication
3. French : Very good communication
Signed: June, 2016 -- Innocent NIYONSENGA
Pas de formation renseignée
Pas de contact professionnel