


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Kingdom Suite
Gravimetric Modeling
Numerical Modeling
Reconstrucion of tectono-stratigraphic history
Realisaton of 2D structural Map
Seismic interpretation (2D/3D)
Traitement de signal


  • Fugro - Geophysicist engineer

    Nanterre 2014 - 2014 Offshore seismic data processing: Seismic Refraction and Surfaces Wave.
    Filter (bandpass, highpass, boxcar ...), Mute seismic data.
    Calculation, extraction and inversion of dispersion curves (MASW.)
    Quality control results (dispersion curves, Section 2D_Vs_MASW).
    Correlation between 2D_Vs section and PS_logging.
    Velocity tomography
  • Engineering and Measures Geophysics (IMG), France, Grenoble - Geophysicist engineer

    2014 - 2014 Preparation and realization of geophysical projects.
    Data processing, writting of technical document.
    Research on acquisition MASW methods and parameter optimization.
  • University of Lile 1 - Internship

    2013 - maintenant • Research Topic: Structural and petroleum analysis of theMaranon foreland basin (Peru):
    o Interpretation of 2D seismic data
    o Realization of 2D structural maps
    o Reconstruction of the tectono-stratigraphic history of the Marañón basin
    o Gravimetric modeling.
    o 2D palinspastic and shortening calculation
  • Midland Valley - Internship

    2012 - 2012 • Research Topic: Development of active folds and faults: interpretation and numerical modeling, application to submarine folds offshore Algeria
    o Midland Valley Exploration Glasgow (Scotland) from 10/04/2012 to 30/04/2012:
    o Study of seismic profiles (Maradja seismic survey 2003) the along Algerian margin: modeling and structural restoration.
    o Laboratory of Oceanic Domains Plouzané (France) from 02/05/2012 to 10/06/2012
  • Total - Internship

    COURBEVOIE 2011 - 2011 analysis of mineralogical data: Prepare, verify results from the mineralogical analyses destined to be loaded in the company’s Core DB database.
  • Total - Internship

    COURBEVOIE 2011 - 2011 Bibliographic synthesis on mobile shales: correlation, interpretation of the different petrophysical parameters of the data base.
  • Total - Internship

    COURBEVOIE 2010 - 2010 Description of the cores from Gellenoncourt Lorraine, France with Wellcad software. Interpretation of the depositional environments
  • Société de Developpement Minier en Côte d'Ivoire - Internship

    2008 - 2009 -Internship of the last year of Superior Technical degree at SODEMI. Topic: The importance of mechanical preparation within an ore-processing laboratory : case of the SODEMI. Preparation of samples using physical processes.
    -Supervisor for shaft sinking trench positioning, opening of trails, logging of wells, well positioning. Work conducted during a manganese exploration project at San-Pedro (Ivory Coast).


  • University Of Pierre And Marie Curie

    Paris 2013 - 2014 Master’s degree 2 in Geophysics Applied Resources and Environment (GARE)
  • Lille II University , France ESA Lille II

    Lille 2012 - 2013 Master’s degree 2

    Geoenvironnements Present and Past, speciality: Tectonics and Sedimentation
  • University Of Lille 1

    Villeneuve D'Ascq 2012 - 2013
  • University Western Of Brittany, France (Brest)

    Brest 2011 - 2012 Master 1 in Ocean Geosciences

    Ocean Geosciences at the European Academic Institute of the Sea

    Pau 2009 - 2011 3 rd year of undergraduate in Earth Science

    3 rd year of undergraduate in earth Science University Pau, France, GEOSCIENCES, OUI
  • Ecole Spéciale Du Bâtiment Et Des Travaux Publics, Côte D;Ivoire (Abidjan)

    Abidjan 2007 - 2008 Higher Technician in Mines and Geology Special school of building and public works, Ivory Coast.

    Diploma of Higher Technician in Mines et Geology Special school of building and public works, Iv, GE


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