
Isabelle CHALON


En résumé

To contribute my dynamism and my enthusiasm to a project in an international context

Mes compétences :
Customer oriented
Microsoft Project


  • WEIR Flow Control - Head of project department

    2015 - 2016 •Supervise, support and help 7 project managers & coordinators in order to ensure on-time delivery, customer satisfaction, economic performance and contracts compliance, over 3 business activities (Turn over : 23 m €/ year) : nuclear valves design & manufacturing, nuclear maintenance, aeronautic parts machining.
    •Manage changes so as to strengthen project management methods and project’s overseeing : action plan definition for implementation of project’s P&L review, implementation by the project managers of a bimonthly project meeting & planning update
    • Improve the balance between load and workforce capacity: identification of lower added value activities and re-allocation of the corresponding tasks within the company.
  • TN international (AREVA group) - Project manager

    2011 - 2015 * to lead the project team coordination on all matters related to the transportation of spent fuels and wastes for dutch and belgian customers
    * to perform risk & opportunities analysis regarding those transports,
    * to manage contractual relationships with dutch and belgian customers and suppliers with the support of marketing, purchase and juridic department
    * to protect, and where possible improve, the financial performance of the project
    * to ensure, promote and monitor that all projects comply with customer,regulations, local authorities and AREVA requirements
    * to coordinate bid team and build up offers with the support of the marketing department
  • TN International (AREVA group) - Design Manager

    2008 - 2011 •Lead and organize design engineering team to achieve project quality and timing objectives
    •Define and justify budget (600 k€ / year), work load and timing for design project related parts
    •Implement technical risk analysis and action plans
    •Provide technical interface to German authorities, customers (EON and EnBW) and project participants (manufacturing team, calculation team, R & D)
    •Ensure compliance with customer requirements and needs
    •Report to project leader and management team
    •Train the design engineering team
    •Prepare technical proposals in response to calls for tender for new projects
    •Suggest future design improvements matching potential customer expectations
  • TN International (AREVA group) - Design Engineer

    2006 - 2008 •Assess the compliance of nuclear cask design with safety regulations and customer requirements
    •Build dedicated procedures for the convenient loading of the nuclear cask in line with safety criteria and customer expectations
    •Specify calculations necessary to the design assessment in line with cost and timing objectives.
    •Follow the calculation team in order to ensure the on-time delivery and the quality of the analysis
    •Prepare project progress meeting with customer (E.O.N et EnbW)


  • Ecole Des Mines (Nancy)

    Nancy 2002 - 2005 materials engineering

    Complementary education: cost control


Annuaire des membres :