
J.raphael DANTIN


En résumé

French Citizen,

I have Extensive experience in private companies, development projects and humanitarian relief

Strategic, analytical, and creative mindset with crisis and staff management as well as interpersonal skills

- Education in Political Science and Buisness Management
- Lived and worked in Asia, Africa, Central & Latin America, and Europe
- Fluent in French, English, and Spanish , proficient in Portuguese

Mes compétences :
International management
Leadership Development
Strategic thinking


  • Médecins Sans Frontieres - Holland - Country Manager

    2007 - maintenant Mission Management:

    Colombia - Haiti - South sudan - Darfur - Chad - Central African Republic

    •Medical Programing
    •Country context analysis, representation/coordination/negociation with public authorities, as well as national and international actors (Lobbying/advocacy/security/Access…).
    •Management of coordination teams and field project coordinators, Operational Departments, Medical & Logistic (Programming/implementation), Support & Admin Departments, Human Resources & Finance.
  • Médecins Sans Frontieres - Holland - Project manager

    2003 - 2006 Project Management:

    DRC - Ivory Coast - Pakistan

    Context and security analysis,
    Representation-coordination with authorities & actors
    Logistics, Finance, Human Resources,
    Medical Programming, Reporting
  • Médecins Sans Frontieres - Holland - Logistician - Logistical Coordinator

    2001 - 2003 Logistics management of bases - projects - medical facilities
    (Water & Sanitation - Energy - transport - communications- supply - security implementation)
  • CAIUS-Central American Integration Under Shade - El Salvador. - Manager

    1997 - 2001 Sustainable Development & Trade Consultants in the Coffee industry
    San Salvador, El Salvador.
  • El Impecable - Spain. - Commercial Manager

    1995 - 1997 Service Company (industrial cleaning)

    ➢ Commercial relations with 250 clients, cost analysis of working units (accounts: $1.5M)
    ➢ Responsible for 500-600 staff
    ➢ Organization of Logistics (supply, negotiation with suppliers, monitoring, distribution, etc)
  • SETRACO - Vietnam. - Consultant

    1994 - 1995 Service Trading Company (multinational consultants)

    ➢ Prospecting of Telecommunications market.
    ➢ Organized trade events for international clients.
  • ACCOR - Brasil - Assistant to Marketing and sales Director

    1991 - 1992 International services and tourism activities

    ➢ A.C.T.O.R (Alimentaçao Commerciais em Terminais e Opéraçao Rodoviarias) – collaborated in Developing Marketing Plan, selling structures and employee motivation program in Transport Terminals
    ➢ G.R. (Générale de Restauration, catering services for corporations) - Marketing studies and development of sales units


  • Institut Supérieur De Gestion - Buisness School. (Paris)

    Paris 1994 - 1995 Master

    Buisness Management / Finance/ Marketing - ISG is accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) and is a member of EFMB.

  • Hamilton College (Clinton, Ny)

    Clinton, Ny 1986 - 1990 International Comparative Political Studies

Annuaire des membres :