


En résumé

Je suis un Ingénieur des Sciences de matériaux et de la Chimie. Je suis aussi un Physicien, je sais réparer des équipements électrotechniques et électroniques. Je connais aussi l'Energie, la Géologie, l'Hydrogéologie, l'Electronique et le metier d'un Compliance Officer. J'ai les connaissances avérées des procédés chimiques de traitements de minerais (la Magnésite, la saprolite et la limonite...etc) pour l'obtention des produits chimiques. Vous pouvez aussi me consulter sur

Mes compétences :
Compliance Officer
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Access
Health and Safety
Borland C
Sécurité au travail
Connaissance des Codes de Conduite BSCI, Fruit of


  • FLOREAL MADAGASCAR - Compliance Officer

    2016 - 2016 four months of professional experiences as Compliance Officer at Floréal Madagascar on the Management of Health and Safety, Environment, and Security
  • Tannerie - Chemist

    2011 - 2015 : Three years and four months of professional experiences as Chemist at the tannery of Anjeva on the treatment of skins by chemical processes to obtain the finished leather, on the black water treatment from these skin treatments by the use of the aluminum sulphate solution, the milk of lime and compressed air (Precipitation of the chrome content in black water and the elements of which don't comply with the environmental specifications sheet, oxidation of organic materials contained in black water using the compressed air via compressor or by water intake oxygen rich or river water) and supervising the person Heater of boiler to ensure the vapour production and the treatments of the river water to the water of the boiler by the sand filter, softener and the chemical products conditioners (reducer of oxygen and phosphating agent)
  • BGP inc. - Compliance

    2011 - 2011 Two months of professional experiences as Logistician in the BGP inc. in Tuléar at Beroroha District
  • Polytechnic Superior College of Antananarivo - Chercheur

    2010 - 2011 Treatment of Magnesite at the laboratory of the Department Chemical Genius in the Polytechnic Superior College in Antananarivo for preparing the powder of Magnesite to treat it at the different hot temperatures for detecting the good temperature to permit the production of the powder of MgO at the high quality or to dissolve it in the HCl warmly and the obtained solution is treated by the solution of Ca(OH)2 in obtaining the precipitates of Fe(OH)3, Mg(OH)2 and the residual solution is treated by the solution of Na2CO3 in obtaining finally the MgCO3 and the CaCO3 mixture


  • Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique D'Antananarivo (Antananarivo)

    Antananarivo 2007 - 2009 Master en Chimie

    Memory Training in the analytical laboratory of water of JI.RA.MA for the analysis of precipitates obtained during my memory works admitting theme « Valorisation des ressources minérales telle que la magnésite en vue de l'obtention des produits chimiques » that is to say the hydrometallurgy and the pyrometallurgy of magnesite ;
  • Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique D'Antananarivo (Antananarivo)

    Antananarivo 2006 - 2006 DEA

    Study of geothermal potential of Itasy Regions and Vakinankaratra
  • Centre De Formation En Eléctronique Et Informatique (Antananarivo)

    Antananarivo 1998 - 1999 Technicien

    Maintenance des appareillages domestiques et industriels et d'une installation électrique
  • Université D'Antananarivo (Antananarivo)

    Antananarivo 1998 - 2005 Master en Physique

    Connaissances généralisées en Physique et Chimie et Spécialisation dans le domaine de Physique option Energétique
  • Collège Madacasse (Antananarivo)

    Antananarivo 1997 - 1997 Baccalauréat


Annuaire des membres :