
Jean-Baptiste TIEN


En résumé

Dev lead, enjoy complex projects with a research component. Focus on quickly showing added value of projects, I like to iterate through several POCs.

Openness and adaptation to change, teamwork, leadership, focus on finding solutions, proactive, initiative.


  • Criteo - Dev Manager

    PARIS 2012 - maintenant
  • Criteo - Dev lead

    PARIS 2010 - 2012 - Lead a dev team on behavioral retargetting subject.
    - Build solution from scratch, in an iterative process, with a strong research and operational component.
    - Always open to more newest suitable technologies and re-factoring to ensure constant scalability and good maintainability of the solution.
    - Build fast, hack fast, and always re-factor in the end.

    - Manage, mentor and work hands-on with engineers.
    - Interview candidate for dev position, participate to hiring events.
    - Assess employee performance (+ leading appraisal interview).

    Skills used: C# (+memcaches, + Thrift + RabbitMQ), Hadoop (Pig, Hive), SOLR
  • Murex - Integration Consultant

    Paris 2010 - 2010 Provide support on MxG2000 and MXIII, more specifically on MXML exchange side (integration with 3rd party components and workflow management).
  • Amadeus - Dev

    Sophia Antipolis 2004 - 2010 From mar 2009 – 1. 2 year Dev : Low Fare Searc h Engines

    - Dev on Low Fare Search Engines : retrieving cheapest flights over multiple dimensions (date, category,…) .
    - Responsible of reducing response time by a factor 15 for multi-office request.
    - Lot of scalability work : algo + memory optimisation.
    - Theses products are used world-wild intensively: 35.000.000 Transactions per Day.

    Skills used: C, Cvs.

    From nov 2005 – 3. 5 year s Dev : Front/ Mid Of f ice integration

    - Integration of Mid-office functionalities (invoicing, payment) in the F.O. in the most intuitive manner.
    - Responsible of Design and Architecture for the team.
    - Design and build first server side components (J2EE EJB), allowing a better maintainability and code sharing.

    Skills used: AJAX (JavaScript, HTML, XSLT), J2EE (EJB, JSP, JAXB, XWORK), Cvs, Clearcase.

    From apr 2004 – 1. 5 years Dev : Document Delivery & Printing solutions

    - A heavily realtime multi-threaded server, with 70,000 agencies connected worldwide, to drive ticket printers.
    - Add support of IP printers.
    - Found the 'bug of the year' removing random app crashes (remained unexplained during 3 years).

    Skills used: C, C++, VC++, MFC, Multithreading, IOCompletion, SourceSafe.


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